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29 Products Found
Petrol Tank Wagon Shell/BP
These 10ft Tank Wagon kits include:
‚Ģ Actual working axlebox springs
‚Ģ Sprung metal buffers
‚Ģ Fully painted and lettered body
‚Ģ Pin-point axles and bearings for maximum length trains
‚Ģ Both Peco Simplex and Peco Anita tension lock couplings
RCH Spoked Wheels
0 Gauge Chassis kits and Accessories for scratchbuilders and kit modification. This pack contains a pair of metal pin point axles plus bearings, and Railway Clearing House specification 3 foot 1¬? inch wagon 8 spoke wheels featuring free running metal rims on moulded centres.
Salt Wagon Roof
Plastic moulding, detail includes rainstrips, strapping etc. to finish off a Peco Wonderful Wagon Salt Wagon or a scratchbuilding project.
Vacuum Brake Fittings and Pipes
0 Gauge Chassis kits and Accessories for scratchbuilders and kit modification. This pack contains sufficient parts to 'convert' one wagon to a vacuum braked vehicle; it contains Dean/Churchward short brake lever, brackets and rodding, vacuum pipes and cylinder, plus steam pipes.