195 Products Found

Signal Box Interior

Adds the finishing touches to any signal box (See Ratio 500, 503, 536, 552 and Wills SS48 kits); it contains all you need to fit out a typical signal box including a 20-lever frame and a level crossing operating wheel. Glue and paints required to complete model.

Midland Signal Box

This kit is modelled on the Midland Railway standard 4d box with characteristic hipped roof, and is based on the prototype at Swadlincote Junction, Leics. This timeless design lasted right up to the demise of mechanical signalling. The Ratio Signal Box Interior kit 553 will provide a wealth of interior detail. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism (See the Pecoscene Weathering Powder range PS-360 - 365); glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 130mm x 50mm.

GWR Home Signal

Part of the Ratio 'Quick Assembly' family of signals. These allow you to make home and distant signals quickly and easily. They include signal operating wire and lever. This kit enables you to replicate a GWR Home Signal. Kit includes pre-coloured signal arm, glue and paints required to complete model.

Modular Covered Footbridge

With its fine scale latticework and curved section roof, this typical footbridge will add interest and a sense of importance to any model station.The versatile kit design means that the stairs can be assembled to face in either direction or straight off the end of the bridge. Additional kits can be used to create multiple spans, whilst larger, busier stations often had 2 stairways to each platform, leading off in both directions. Could also be used without the roof sections at a large terminus under an overall station canopy. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering (See the Pecoscene Weathering Powder range PS-360 - 365) can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Span: 180mm

Nissen Hut

Originally a war time structure, many of these have survived and found to have many different uses. The kit will make up 2 full length (approx 170mm long and 75mm wide) huts; however, the supplied internal bracings are also detailed as ends so it is also possible to make up 4 shorter (85mm long x 75mm wide) huts if required. Glue and paints are required to complete this model.

Coaling Tower

These towers are an impressive sight and were an essential feature on mainline railways. The Pecoscene ranges provide the perfect loading material, Real Coal (PS-330 -332), Limestone (PS-342 and 3), Sand (PS-344), Iron Ore (PS-340), Grey Stone (PS-300- 307), and Brown Stone (PS-310 - 317) for a quarry, mine or pit loading hopper. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism (See the Pecoscene Weathering Powder range PS-360 - 365); glue is required to complete this model. Footprint: 116mm x 92mm, Height 181mm


Pack includes: 432mm of guttering, 465mm of soffits, 4 x 71mm down pipes, 1 angled water pipe and 14 down pipe brackets.

Lineside Fencing, White

Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. This pack contains 860mm of countryside fencing.

GWR Wooden Signal Box

Standard GWR Signal Box, numbered 8/28b by the Signalling Record Society, installed from the 1920's up until WW2. Our kit includes interior details such as levers, stove , desk and brass etched window frames. Supplied with some pre-coloured parts, painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 60mm x 25mm

Water Crane and Fire Devil

Stations often had these Water Cranes at the end of the platforms so the locomotives could be refilled without detaching them from the train. Also included is a coke brazier, called a 'fire devil' to keep the cast iron pipe from freezing up during the winter. These cranes were usually supplied by a large water tank (see Ratio Water Tower kits 215, 256 and Loco Servicing Depot kit 206). Supplied with some pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model.

Station Building

A model of the station at Castle Cary, Somerset. Although of typically GWR design, it can be adapted to suit that of other railway companies. The kit includes notice boards, telephone and first aid boxes. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 110mm x 32mm.

GWR Spear Fencing, Black

Classic style fencing modelled on a GWR design, but still seen also in many other places, around parks, public buildings, monuments etc. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. This pack contains:
‚Ģ 484mm of fencing

Apex Platform Canopy

Apex canopy with valancing, stanchions and girders. The glazed sections can be placed at will. Although typical of GWR designs, this canopy can be used for almost any railway company. Supplied with some pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Footprint: 200mm x 43mm

Brick Walling

If you are a scratchbuilder or want to modify one of our N Gauge kits, this is range for you. Ratio's Builder range has been extended here to include all accessory packs from the Trackside range that you can use to this end. The Builder Series Material Sheet packs contain 4 sheets each 90mm x 75mm

Carriage Cleaning Platform

Where carriages, multiple unit sets or modern locos are stored for cleaning and maintenance, narrow platforms are provided for access. Still widely used today alongside carriage sidings, and also within storage and maintenance facilities (See Ratio 527 Carriage Shed and Wills Modern SSM300 Modern Industrial Building and SSM315 Extension kits). Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism (See the Pecoscene Weathering Powder range PS-360 - 365); glue is required to complete this model. Footprint: 500mm long plus access steps

Carriage Shed

These were a common feature in sidings where repairs, cleaning and maintenance were effected. This shed will cover 2 tracks and can easily be extended; the kit includes guttering and centre walkway. A versatile kit with many uses both on and off the railway. Glue and paints required to complete model. Footprint 178mm x 60mm.

Carriage Shed

These were a common feature in sidings where repairs, cleaning and maintenance were effected. This shed will cover 2 tracks and can easily be extended; the kit includes guttering and centre walkway. A versatile kit with many uses both on and off the railway. Glue and paints required to complete model. Footprint 320mm x 105mm.

Cattle Dock

A common feature of country stations large and small, whilst market town cattle docks could be very large indeed. Our model is of the one at Yeovil Pen Mill (GWR) Station, Somerset. Livestock (See Modelscene Cows Ref. 5179, Sheep and Lambs Ref. 5177, Pigs Ref. 5176, and Horses Ref. 5178) was conveyed on British railways until around 1973, although many cattle docks remained in place unused, becoming overgrown - an interesting scenic feature. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 90mm x 55mm

Cattle Dock

A common feature of country stations large and small, whilst market town cattle docks could be very large indeed. Our model is of the one at Yeovil Pen Mill (GWR) Station, Somerset. Livestock (Modelscene Cows Ref. 5100, Sheep and Lambs Ref. 5110, Pigs Ref. 5108, and Horses Ref.5105) was conveyed on British railways until around 1973, although many cattle docks remained in place unused, becoming overgrown - an interesting scenic feature. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 170mm x 110mm


If you are a scratchbuilder or want to modify one of our N Gauge kits, this is range for you. Ratio's Builder range has been extended here to include all accessory packs from the Trackside range that you can use to this end. This pack contains the parts for 2 Large (10mm x 7mm), and 2 Small (5mm x 6mm) Chimney Stacks

Coach Seats

Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. This pack contains enough seating for an 8 compartment coach - 520mm.

Coal Depot

In the days when everything came by rail, even the smallest goods yard would provide a facility for the local coal merchant next to a siding. This kit can easily be extended by adding more staithes using Ratio Coal Staithes kit 316. Glue and paints required to complete this model. Footprint 66mm x 23mm

Coal Depot

In the days when everything came by rail, even the smallest goods yard would provide a facility for the local coal merchant next to a siding. The Ratio 526 Coal Sacks kit and Peco Scene Real Coal Refs PS-330,1 and 2 can provide extra detailing, as can the Modelscene Coalman and Scales Ref. 5029. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism (See the Pecoscene Weathering Powder range PS-360 - 365); glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 140mm x 30mm

Coal Sacks

Kit includes 48 coal sacks. Initially coal was transported in 12 ton wagons to railway yards. Coal merchants then transferred it to heavy duty 1 cwt sacks for supply to customers. The kit also includes weights and scales; supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism (See the Pecoscene Weathering Powder range PS-360 - 365); glue is required to complete this model.


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