176 Products Found

Hump Back Bridge

Approx 65mm Long and 34mm Wide. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details to go around the quayside on your layout.

Industrial Chimneys and Fittings

If you are a scratchbuilder or want to modify one of our N Gauge kits, this is range for you. Ratio's Builder range has been extended here to include all accessory packs from the Trackside range that you can use to this end. Kit includes parts to make: 1 Industrial chimney approx 120mm High, 20mm x 20mm at base, and 1 Tank 24mm Long x 14mm Wide and approx 34mm High.

Industrial Windows

Etched brass Industrial style windows. This pack contains:
• 8 11mm x 6mm Round Top Window Frames
• 6 10mm x 6mm Round Top Window Frames
• 4 6mm x 9mm Rectangular Windows Frames
• 2 15mm x 12mm Skylight Frames
• 2 3mm Diameter Porthole Window Frames
• 4 Small half Round Window Frames

Inspection Pit

Modular design, makes it easy to assemble pits of any required length. Supplied with Code 55 rail, easy to use with Code 80 rail if required. A great addition to the NB-80 Modern Train Shed unit.

Junction or Bracket Signal, Home or Distant

This kit contains the parts to make 1 Lower Quadrant Home or Distant Junction/Bracket Signal. Glue and paints required to complete model.

Large Sacks

A group of large light brown sacks suitably arranged for placing in a goods area, to fit into an open wagon, or for using as a lorry load. For '00', they could be used as a small sacks load! Approx 30mm long, 15mm wide and 10mm high. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.

Large Water Tower

This 20,000 gallon design is equally at home replenishing water troughs (Ratio Water Troughs kit Ref 255), a large motive power depot or supplying several platform mounted water cranes (Ratio Water Crane and Fire Devil Ref 212). Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism (See the Pecoscene Weathering Powder range PS-360 - 365); glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 72mm x 30mm

Level Crossing Barriers

Modern type crossing barriers complete with dummy light standards. Can be used with the Peco N Setrack Level Crossings ST-20/21.

Level Crossing Gates

Traditional wooden type gates (complete with separate pedestrian access gates), giving double track spacing when closed across railway tracks.

Level Crossing with Barriers

This modern style of crossing features 2 half barriers on each side of the track, protected by (dummy) warning lights. Can be used for double or single track; glue and paints required to complete model.

Level Crossing with Gates

Level Crossings were commonplace, particularly in towns and across such areas as the Fenland of Eastern England. Today most have been replaced by modern barriers. Can be used for double or single track; glue and paints required to complete model.

Lineside Fencing, White

A common style of fencing found in many locations. Length: 840mm. Glue is required to complete this model.


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