179 Products Found

Engine Shed

Provide a home for your locos, giving them cover from the elements and a place for repairs and maintenance. It is normal to find a water tower (Ratio Water Tower 215 and Large Water Tower 256 kits), and coaling stage (Ratio Loco Servicing Depot Ref 206) nearby, and an inspection pit (Peco NB-56F) was also often included. Can be used as either a single or through shed. Multiple kits can be joined together if required. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 95mm x 48mm

Engine Shed, Brick Type

Plastic kit of an attractive single track shed with pre coloured roof, walls and doors. Multiple kits can be easily used together to create a larger loco facility.

Extra Arch and Pier

Extension pack for the 251 Viaduct kit. 73mm Long, 63mm Wide and 130mm High. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model.

Field Gate, Stiles and Wicket Gate

A useful addition to the NB-45 Flexible Field Fencing.

Fishing Boat, Blue

Approx 62mm long, 20mm wide and 20mm high. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details to go around the quayside on your layout.

Fishing Boat, Green

Approx 62mm long, 20mm wide and 20mm high. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details to go around the quayside on your layout.

Fishing Boat, Red

Approx 62mm long, 20mm wide and 20mm high. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details to go around the quayside on your layout.


If you are a scratchbuilder or want to modify one of our N Gauge kits, this is range for you. Ratio's Builder range has been extended here to include all accessory packs from the Trackside range that you can use to this end. The Builder Series Material Sheet packs contain 4 sheets each 90mm x 75mm

Flat Roof Platform Canopy with Valencing

This type of canopy is to be found across the country at many stations with island and bay platforms. It will match in well with the canopy on Station Building kit (Ref 204). Several kits can easily be combined to make larger canopies. Supplied with some pre-coloured parts, painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 210mm x 43mm

Flexible Fencing

This fencing will follow ground contours with the posts remaining vertical. The NB-46 Stiles and gates pack provides access places.

Girder Bridge Side, Plate Girder Type, Red Oxide

Can be used with Ratio 254 Stone Piers to create an impressive viaduct as seen on many railways around the world. Detailed plastic moulding supplied 2 in a pack.

Girder Bridge Side, Truss Girder Type, Grey

Can be used with Ratio 254 Stone Piers to create an impressive viaduct as seen on many railways around the world. Detailed plastic moulding supplied 2 in a pack.

Goods Shed, Brick/Timber Type

Plastic kit depicting a structure typical of the kind found in the goods yard of many stations around the country.

Grey Cement Bags Load

A commonly seen load of cement bags for a road or rail vehicle. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.

Gutters and Drainpipes

If you are a scratchbuilder or want to modify one of our N Gauge kits, this is range for you. Ratio's Builder range has been extended here to include all accessory packs from the Trackside range that you can use to this end. An essential item on any property, this pack of Gutters, Soffits and Downpipes will provide drainage for up to 4 Terraced house fronts.

GWR Spear Fencing, Black

Classic style fencing modelled on a GWR design, but still seen also in many other places, around parks, public buildings, monuments etc. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. This pack contains:
‚Ģ 484mm of fencing

GWR Spear Fencing, Ramps and Gates

Classic style fencing modelled on a GWR design, but still seen also in many other places, around parks, public buildings, monuments etc. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. This pack contains:
‚Ģ 2 x 56mm lengths of ramp fencing
‚Ģ 8 assorted gates

GWR Station Fencing Ramps and Gates

Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. This pack contains:
‚Ģ 238mm of Straight Fencing
‚Ģ 2 x 56mm lengths of Ramp Fencing
‚Ģ 4 Gates

GWR Station Train Shed

This superb kit is modelled on the overall roof at Ashburton, Devon. Designed for use with Station Building kit (Ref 204), it will enable you to build a GWR station quickly and easily. Although a specific prototype, the design is typical of many other regions including some tropical countries where it was intended to shelter passengers from the sun as well as rain. Supplied with some pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Footprint: 153mm x 82mm

GWR Straight Station Fencing

Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. This pack contains Approximately 476mm of fencing.

GWR Wooden Signal Box

Standard GWR Signal Box, numbered 8/28b by the Signalling Record Society, installed from the 1920's up until WW2. Our kit includes interior details such as levers, stove , desk and brass etched window frames. Supplied with some pre-coloured parts, painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 60mm x 25mm

Home or Distant Signal

This kit contains the parts to make 1 Lower Quadrant Home or Distant Signal. Glue and paints required to complete model.

Home or Distant Signal

This kit contains the parts to make 1 Upper Quadrant Home or Distant Signal. Glue and paints required to complete model.


Pack contains 6 pre-coloured Horses

Hump Back Bridge

Approx 65mm Long and 34mm Wide. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details to go around the quayside on your layout.

Industrial Chimneys and Fittings

If you are a scratchbuilder or want to modify one of our N Gauge kits, this is range for you. Ratio's Builder range has been extended here to include all accessory packs from the Trackside range that you can use to this end. Kit includes parts to make: 1 Industrial chimney approx 120mm High, 20mm x 20mm at base, and 1 Tank 24mm Long x 14mm Wide and approx 34mm High.

Industrial Windows

Etched brass Industrial style windows. This pack contains:
‚Ģ 8 11mm x 6mm Round Top Window Frames
‚Ģ 6 10mm x 6mm Round Top Window Frames
‚Ģ 4 6mm x 9mm Rectangular Windows Frames
‚Ģ 2 15mm x 12mm Skylight Frames
‚Ģ 2 3mm Diameter Porthole Window Frames
‚Ģ 4 Small half Round Window Frames

Inspection Pit

Modular design, makes it easy to assemble pits of any required length. Supplied with Code 55 rail, easy to use with Code 80 rail if required. A great addition to the NB-80 Modern Train Shed unit.

Junction or Bracket Signal, Home or Distant

This kit contains the parts to make 1 Lower Quadrant Home or Distant Junction/Bracket Signal. Glue and paints required to complete model.

Large Sacks

A group of large light brown sacks suitably arranged for placing in a goods area, to fit into an open wagon, or for using as a lorry load. For '00', they could be used as a small sacks load! Approx 30mm long, 15mm wide and 10mm high. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.

Large Water Tower

This 20,000 gallon design is equally at home replenishing water troughs (Ratio Water Troughs kit Ref 255), a large motive power depot or supplying several platform mounted water cranes (Ratio Water Crane and Fire Devil Ref 212). Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism (See the Pecoscene Weathering Powder range PS-360 - 365); glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 72mm x 30mm

Level Crossing Barriers

Modern type crossing barriers complete with dummy light standards. Can be used with the Peco N Setrack Level Crossings ST-20/21.

Level Crossing Gates

Traditional wooden type gates (complete with separate pedestrian access gates), giving double track spacing when closed across railway tracks.

Level Crossing with Barriers

This modern style of crossing features 2 half barriers on each side of the track, protected by (dummy) warning lights. Can be used for double or single track; glue and paints required to complete model.

Level Crossing with Gates

Level Crossings were commonplace, particularly in towns and across such areas as the Fenland of Eastern England. Today most have been replaced by modern barriers. Can be used for double or single track; glue and paints required to complete model.

Lineside Fencing, White

A common style of fencing found in many locations. Length: 840mm. Glue is required to complete this model.

Lineside Fencing, Wood Brown

A common style of fencing found in many locations. Length: 840mm. Glue is required to complete this model.

Lineside Huts

Pack contains 2 pre-coloured Lineside Huts

Lineside Huts (2)

2 huts for shelter and tool storage or with many other uses; platelayers huts, tool stores, lamp huts etc. - even garden/allotment sheds or temporary site huts. Glue and paints required to complete model. Footprint: Brick Hut 28mm x 15mm, Wooden Hut 28mm x 16mm

Loading Gauge

After loading, open wagons were checked for height using this simple gauge to ensure that loads did not hit bridges etc. and therefore were usually placed near the yard exit. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model.

Locomotive Servicing Depot

Complements your Engine Shed (See Ratio Kit 203). Kit includes a rectangular water tower, water crane, coaling stage with coal staithes and hoist with buckets. Supplied with some pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Footprint: 90mm x 30mm.

Luggage, Trolleys and Sack Trucks

Pack contains 9 items of pre-coloured Luggage, 2 Trolleys and Sack Trucks

Manyways' Train Shed/Locomotive Depot/Engine Shed

Kit consists of parts to build one complete Train Shed Unit which will span two tracks, and can be combined with further units to build a larger facility if required. Inspection pits were often placed in the tracks in these buildings (See NB-56F). Easily adapted to create a modern building for non railway use.

Midland Signal Box

This kit is modelled on the Midland Railway standard 4d box with characteristic hipped roof, and is based on the prototype at Swadlincote Junction, Leics. This timeless design lasted right up to the demise of mechanical signalling. Use the Ratio Signal Box Interior kit No. 224 for a 20 lever frame, level crossing wheel and other detail. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism (See the Pecoscene Weathering Powder range PS-360 - 365); glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 42mm x 27mm (excluding steps).

Milk Churns

Pack contains 24 pre-coloured Churns

Modern Type Bungalow

Typical modern small bungalow with simulated cedar wood walls. Small dwellings like these are often part of a housing development. Easily assembled with or without the supplied base.

Modular Covered Footbridge

With it's fine scale latticework and curved section roof, this typical footbridge will add interest and a sense of importance to any model station. The versatile kit design means that the stairs can be assembled to face in either direction or straight off the end of the bridge. Moulded in 3 colours to make painting optional, the tooling of the fine lattice work sets the standard for injection moulding in this scale. Additional kits can be used to create multiple spans, whilst larger, busier stations often had 2 stairways to each platform, leading off in both directions. Could also be used without the roof sections at a large terminus under an overall station canopy. Glue is required to complete this model. Span: 93mm

Oil Depot

Oil depot for distribution of domestic oil, which was transferred to road vehicles to deliver to domestic customers. Kit includes hut, base and pipe fittings and can easily be extended by using the Ratio Kit 315 Oil Tanks. Glue and paints required to complete this model. Footprint 80mm x 25mm


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