176 Products Found

Grotty Huts and Privy

2 huts and a privy as seen on allotments everywhere. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Combined footprint: 94mm x 38mm

Ground Level Signal Box

A small signal box as would be seen at a small country station, or controlling the exit from a yard or industrial area. Use SS89 Point Rodding to fill in this important detail on your layout. Footprint:48mm x 36mm.

GWR Wooden Station Building (Monkton Combe)

Monkton Combe, once an intermediate station on the long-closed Camerton branch near Bath, was thrust into the limelight in 1952 when it was chosen to be the location for the filming of the famous Ealing Comedy "The TitfieldThunderbolt". 

GWR/LMS Joint Loading Gauge

After loading, open wagons were checked for height using this simple gauge to ensure that loads did not hit bridges etc. and therefore were usually placed near the yard exit. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model.

Highland Railway Signal Box

A accurately laser cut wood kit supplemented by injection moulded roof. Glue and paints required to complete model.

Hoardings and Bill Poster

Kit includes 2 large hoardings plus 3 smaller ones, Bill Stickers himself plus ladder and paste bucket, plus a sheet of 40 posters. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 58mm x 32mm each.


Used for light lifting work in goods depots and other yards. Also to be found inside goods sheds for unloading wagons. Chain included; kit requires glue and paints to complete.

Inspection Pit

Modular design, makes it easy to assemble pits of any required length. A great addition to the LK-80 Modern Train Shed unit or create a modern diesel/EMU servicing shed using the Wills SSM300 Modern Industrial Building and SSM315 Extension kits.

Inspection Pit

Modular design, makes it easy to assemble pits of any required length. A great addition to the LK-80 Modern Train Shed unit or create a modern diesel/EMU servicing shed using the Wills SSM300 Modern Industrial Building and SSM315 Extension kits.

Lamp Huts with Oil Drums

Used to store oil for the signal lamps away from the signal box. Kit includes 2 huts and 4 barrels. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Footprint: 44mm x 37mm each.

Larch Lap Fencing

Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. This kit includes:
‚Ģ 20 26mm wide Fence Panels including post
‚Ģ 4 12mm wide Gates including post plus 8 additional posts.

Level Crossing Barriers

Modern type crossing barriers complete with dummy light standards. Can be used with the Peco Setrack Level Crossings ST-261/263/266/267 and 268


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