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1055 Products Found
Anderson and Co Coal 7 Plank
00 Card wagon body kits, designed to be used with the R20 Underframe kit. Romford wheels and bearings can be used to complete the model.
Anderson Shelter, Brick Ends
Formerly 2nd world war air-raid shelters erected in back gardens in many built up areas, these made ideal storage sheds in peacetime.
Size approx (mm) L35 x W30 x H28. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Anderson Shelter, Wooden Ends
Mass produced corrugated iron shelter with wooden planked ends.
Size approx (mm) L35 x W30 x H28. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
ARP Signal Box
These specially reinforced ARP (Air Raid Precautions) signal boxes featured substantial construction, primarily to protect the locking room gear from bomb blasts during air raids in World War II. A number of similar signal box designs were still to be found around the rail network until quite recently, due to them being difficult to demolish!
The 554 includes all moulded parts required which are produced to a high standard and in base colours. Kit requires painting and light weathering to create the signal box pictured above.
Assorted Merchandise
An interesting assortment of crates, sacks, barrels etc ready palleted.
Size (mm) 61 x 29 x 20. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
AWS Ramp
Detailed moulding of the ramp/protective cover for the Automatic Warning System used on British railway routes. This dummy unit will add realism to your trackwork.
Bachmann(TM) Coal Wagon Load
Sized for original Bachmann (TM) coal wagons, but they can be pared with a knife to fit into smaller open wagons.
Size (mm) 67 x 29. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Bachmann(TM) Coal Wagon Load
Fits the latest Bachmann (TM) Blue Riband 16T mineral wagons.
Size (mm) 64 x 30. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Ballast Bins
Pack contains 3 Ballast Bins; seen spread along the railway to enable the permanent way crew (See Modelscene 5077 Track Maintenance Party) to add additional ballast where neccesary.
Ballast Inlay 3 Way Turnout, Medium Radius
Moulded foam ballast inlay in a realistic brown colour. Moulded units fit Turnouts and Crossings, and rolls are available for plain track (Streamline and Setrack). This inlay system adds extra realism as well as giving quieter, smoother running. Suitable for Code 100 track.