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630 Products Found
Provender Store
The Southern Railway used these concrete sheds for storage of goods and animal feed. The characteristic short concrete piles raise the floor above ground level to keep out the damp and rodents. Glue and paints required to complete model. Footprint: 90mm x 70mm
Public Toilets
A typical building provided by local authorities in parks and public places. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Footprint: 77mm x 56mm
Pump House/Boiler House
This versatile building would contain a boiler to provide steam either for a pump raising water or to generate electricity for a small factory. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 110mm x 90mm
Quoins/Corner Stones
Gives interest to a kit building - and can hide unsightly corners! Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model.
RAC Telephone Box
A common sight on country roads throughout Britain these phone boxes were installed for the use of Royal Automobile Club members.
Size (mm) 17 x 17 x 36. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details to go around the station and streets of your layout.
Railway Container
An ideal load for the Scammell Mechanical Horse (Ref 5015) or a conflat wagon, or as a yard accesory or store.
Random Stone
These sheets are invaluable for scratchbuilding, saving many hours of repetitive work creating the various surface patterns and textures. They are the same as those used in the Craftsman kits to make extension work easier. Each pack contains 4 sheets 130mm x 75mm of injection moulded styrene approximately 2mm thick, making them rigid enough to be self supporting.
Rectangular Hay Bales
Harvested hay, baled and stacked.
Size approx (mm) L53 x W30 x H20. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Rectangular Prize Flower Bed
A raised flower bed, well manicured, for an eye catching location. Size (mm) 72 x 27 x 16. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details to go around the station and streets of your layout.
Red Diesel Farmyard Fuel Pump
Diesel used for agricultural purposes is taxed at a much lower rate than regular fuel. A dye is added to discourage fraudulent use, hence the name given to it - Red Diesel. Many farmyards have their own dedicated pump, usually an old decommissioned one from a roadside service station. This pump dates from the 1960s and sits on a raised base, ready to fuel the farmer's tractor.
Size approx (mm) L34 x W27 x H40. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.