43 Products Found

TT:120 C55 Turnout, Medium Radius, Right Hand, Unifrog

Code 55


Use SL-310 metal rail joiners and SL-1208 joining sleepers.

One of the great advantages of TT:120 is that the 12mm gauge track correctly scales out as standard (4' 8.5") gauge, as used all over Britain's railway network. The ingenious rail section of PECO code 55 combines strength and durability with a highly realistic appearance – In TT:120 the visible height of the rail correctly represents 113lb rail, which continues to be widely used on Britain’s railways. The turnouts conform to NEM standards and the medium radius geometry is a close match to British Railways’ B6 standard.

Technical Specifications

Length - 180mm

Exit angle - 11.25¬?

Radius - Nominal 922.6mm/36.3"

TT:120 C55 Flexible Track, Wooden Sleeper

Code 55

Use SL-310 metal joiners and SL-1208 joining sleepers. Use SL-311 insulating joiners to create isolated track sections (if using DCC control these are not required).

One of the great advantages of TT:120 is that the 12mm gauge track correctly scales out as standard (4' 8.5") gauge, as used all over Britain's railway network. The ingenious rail section of PECO code 55 combines strength and durability with a highly realistic appearance – In TT:120 the visible height of the rail correctly represents 113lb flat bottom rail. The flexible sleeper base is detailed with fine wood grain and spikes through British Railways’ BR1 baseplates under the rails, a combination that continues to be widely used on Britain’s railways.

Joiner Sleepers

Concrete Type Joiner sleepers - For use under the rail joints on Code 55 track

Joiner Sleepers

Wooden Type Joiner sleepers - For use under the rail joints on Code 55 track

Crossing, Single Slip

Single slips were often used on double track lines to incorporate a trailing crossover into the access for a siding, goods yard etc. The clever geometry of this range enables the modeller to easily create convenient, complex and aesthetically satisfying track formations using combinations of small, medium and large radius turnouts and crossings.
Despite a low visible rail height of just 1.4mm, all brands of N Gauge model locomotives will run on this track.
The ingenious rail section of PECO 55 combines strength and durability with a highly realistic appearance and uses the same universal rail joiners as Code 80; the geometry of this range has been cleverly designed to make it easy to build convenient, complex and aesthetically pleasing formations. For more details on Electrofrog turnouts, see our Wiring the Layout publications Nos 4 and 21.

Flexible Track with Concrete Sleeper

This track models the most common form of concrete sleepering in use in Britain today, with flat bottom rail. PECO Streamline N Gauge Code 55 - Universal Fine trackage system
Despite a low visible rail height of just 1.4mm, all brands of N Gauge model locomotives will run on this track.
The ingenious rail section of PECO 55 combines strength and durability with a highly realistic appearance and uses the same universal rail joiners as Code 80. This track models the most common form of concrete sleepering in use in Britain today, with flat bottom rail. The geometry of this range has been cleverly designed to make it easy to build convenient, complex and aesthetically pleasing formations. For more details on Electrofrog turnouts, see our Wiring the Layout publications Nos 4 and 21.

Flexible Track with Wooden Sleeper

PECO Streamline N Gauge Code 55 - Universal Fine trackage system
Despite a low visible rail height of just 1.4mm, all brands of N Gauge model locomotives will run on this track.
The ingenious rail section of PECO 55 combines strength and durability with a highly realistic appearance and uses the same universal rail joiners as Code 80; the geometry of this range has been cleverly designed to make it easy to build convenient, complex and aesthetically pleasing formations. For more details on Electrofrog turnouts, see our Wiring the Layout publications Nos 4 and 21.

3 Way Turnout, Medium Radius

The 3 way turnout is an ideal way to save space on station approaches, junctions etc.

Despite a low visible rail height of just 1.4mm, all brands of N Gauge model locomotives will run on this track.

The ingenious rail section of PECO 55 combines strength and durability with a highly realistic appearance and uses the same universal rail joiners as Code 80

Y Turnout, Medium Radius

PECO Streamline N Gauge Code 55 - Universal Fine trackage system
Despite a low visible rail height of just 1.4mm, all brands of N Gauge model locomotives will run on this track.
The ingenious rail section of PECO 55 combines strength and durability with a highly realistic appearance and uses the same universal rail joiners as Code 80: the geometry of this range has been cleverly designed to make it easy to build convenient, complex and aesthetically pleasing formations. For more details on Electrofrog turnouts, see our Wiring the Layout publications Nos 4 and 21.

Unifrog Turnout, Medium Radius, Left Hand

PECO Streamline N Gauge Code 55 - Universal Fine trackage system
Despite a low visible rail height of just 1.4mm, all brands of N Gauge model locomotives will run on this track.
The ingenious rail section of PECO 55 combines strength and durability with a highly realistic appearance and uses the same universal rail joiners as Code 80: the geometry of this range has been cleverly designed to make it easy to build convenient, complex and aesthetically pleasing formations. These turnouts are constructed in our new versatile Unifrog design which can be operated, powered and switched like an Electrofrog or left unpowered if preferred.

Code 55, Medium Radius, Right Hand, Unifrog

PECO Streamline N Gauge Code 55 - Universal Fine trackage system
Despite a low visible rail height of just 1.4mm, all brands of N Gauge model locomotives will run on this track.
The ingenious rail section of PECO 55 combines strength and durability with a highly realistic appearance and uses the same universal rail joiners as Code 80: the geometry of this range has been cleverly designed to make it easy to build convenient, complex and aesthetically pleasing formations. These turnouts are constructed in our new versatile Unifrog design which can be operated, powered and switched like an Electrofrog or left unpowered if preferred.

Crossing, Long

This unit can be used with small, medium, or large radius turnouts to form a double junction. PECO Streamline N Gauge Code 55 - Universal Fine trackage system
Despite a low visible rail height of just 1.4mm, all brands of N Gauge model locomotives will run on this track.
The ingenious rail section of PECO 55 combines strength and durability with a highly realistic appearance and uses the same universal rail joiners as Code 80: the geometry of this range has been cleverly designed to make it easy to build convenient, complex and aesthetically pleasing formations. For more details on Electrofrog turnouts, see our Wiring the Layout publications Nos 4 and 21.


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