928 Products Found

Stone Goods Shed

The essential items for all stations until recently was a goods shed. Inside, dry goods were stored and transhipped from road to rail via the internal platform. The shed usually had a crane (Ref 531) or hoist (Ref 543) inside, whilst pallets and sacks (Ref 514) would be seen stacked around the site. A good example of this type of goods shed can still be seen standing in Ross on Wye, long after the railway has disappeared. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism (See the Pecoscene Weathering Powder range PS-360 - 365); glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 155mm x 170mm

Coal Depot

In the days when everything came by rail, even the smallest goods yard would provide a facility for the local coal merchant next to a siding. The Ratio 526 Coal Sacks kit and Peco Scene Real Coal Refs PS-330,1 and 2 can provide extra detailing, as can the Modelscene Coalman and Scales Ref. 5029. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism (See the Pecoscene Weathering Powder range PS-360 - 365); glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 140mm x 30mm

Oil Tanks

Suitable for extending the Oil Depot (Ref 529). The Peco Wonderful Wagons Petrol Tanker Kits R-75RD and R-75S kits can be used as delivery vehicles. Kit includes pipe fittings and base; c Footprint 95mm x 140mm

Oil Depot

Oil depot for distribution of domestic oil, which was transferred to road vehicles to deliver to domestic customers. Kit includes hut, base , pipe fittings, catwalk, ladders and Esso transfers. The Peco Wonderful Wagons Petrol Tanker Kits R-75RD and R-75S kits can be used as delivery vehicles. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism (See the Pecoscene Weathering Powder range PS-360 - 365); glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 180mm x 95mm

Carriage Shed

These were a common feature in sidings where repairs, cleaning and maintenance were effected. This shed will cover 2 tracks and can easily be extended; the kit includes guttering and centre walkway. A versatile kit with many uses both on and off the railway. Glue and paints required to complete model. Footprint 320mm x 105mm.

Industrial Windows

8 Round arch-topped 19th Century style window frame mouldings 20mm High x 11mm Wide.


Stone edged platform with brick support will make up various combinations of platform; glue and paints required to complete model. See also Modelscene Station Staff 5059, Passengers Standing Sets A and B 5057 and 5058. Footprint: 480mm x 92mm

Concrete Footbridge

A Southern Railway design that will span 2 tracks and includes lamps and smoke deflectors. Glue and paints required to complete model. Span 150mm.

Pump House/Boiler House

This versatile building would contain a boiler to provide steam either for a pump raising water or to generate electricity for a small factory. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 110mm x 90mm

Station Building

A model of the station at Castle Cary, Somerset. Although of typically GWR design, it can be adapted to suit that of other railway companies. The kit includes notice boards, telephone and first aid boxes. See also Modelscene Station Staff 5059, Passengers Standing Sets A and B 5057 and 5058 and Passengers Seated Ref. 5056. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 210mm x 135mm (inc. canopy)

Cattle Dock

A common feature of country stations large and small, whilst market town cattle docks could be very large indeed. Our model is of the one at Yeovil Pen Mill (GWR) Station, Somerset. Livestock (Modelscene Cows Ref. 5100, Sheep and Lambs Ref. 5110, Pigs Ref. 5108, and Horses Ref.5105) was conveyed on British railways until around 1973, although many cattle docks remained in place unused, becoming overgrown - an interesting scenic feature. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 170mm x 110mm

Pratt Truss Signal Gantry

A Gantry to support signals, such as the semaphore signals in our Advanced Construction packs Ref 466 (GWR), 476(LMS), 477(LNWR) and 486(LNER/SR). It can also be used to mount colour light signals, and route and platform indicators. Glue and paints required to complete model.


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