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17 Products Found
Salt Wagon Roof
Plastic moulding, detail includes rainstrips, strapping etc. to finish off a Peco Wonderful Wagon Salt Wagon or a scratchbuilding project.
Coupler (Auto) Magni-Simplex
A superb auto coupling designed for magnetic operation using the special uncoupler SL-32
‚Ģ Allows a vehicle to be lifted straight from within a train without derailing adjacent vehicles
‚Ģ Delayed action feature - after uncoupling, a vehicle can be pushed to any position
‚Ģ Supplied complete with spring, screw and adaptor moulding
9ft/10ft Underframe Kit
These Underframe kits give a choice of a 9ft wooden or 10ft steel type Sole Bars and include:
‚Ģ Actual working axlebox springs
‚Ģ Sprung metal buffers
‚Ģ Choice of 9 foot (wooden) or 10 foot (steel) solebars
‚Ģ Pin-point axles and bearings for maximum length trains
‚Ģ Both Peco Simplex and Peco Anita tension lock couplings.Romford wheels and bearings can be used to complete the model.
Coupler (Auto) Simplex
The original metal coupling designed for use with the SL30 uncoupler, allows a vehicle to be lifted straight from within a train without derailing adjacent vehicles.