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Used for light lifting work in goods depots and other yards. Also to be found inside goods sheds for unloading wagons. Chain included; kit requires glue and paints to complete.
BR 'Clayhood' China Wagon
BR built 875 of these wagons between 1954 and 1960 for use on the West Country china clay workings. The first 100 wagons were unfitted, but all were later fitted with Morton vacuum brakes. Transfers are included; glue and paints are required to complete this model. Use the Pecoscene PS-361 China Clay Dust Weathering Powder to give that 'working vehicle' look to your wagon.
BR Banana Van
300 of these wagons were built between 1952 and 1954. They were originally fitted with steam heating, but this was later removed. Used mainly by the companies Geest and Fyffes, these vans could be part of a mixed train or a 'block load' on their way from the shipping dock. Transfers are included; glue and paints are required to complete this model.
Midland Signal Box Window Mouldings
Pack includes: 8 Large windows (20mm x 20mm), 2 Standard windows (9mm x 20mm) , and 6 Small (9mm x 14mm) classic Midland style signal box windows.
Pack includes: 432mm of guttering, 465mm of soffits, 4 x 71mm down pipes, 1 angled water pipe and 14 down pipe brackets.
Retaining Walls
Often seen supporting railway cuttings and embankments in urban areas where there is insufficient space for earth slopes. Make cuttings, yard walls or raised railway viaducts with these versatile sections. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism (See the Pecoscene Weathering Powder range PS-360 - 365); glue is required to complete this model. Length 350mm, Height 45mm
Yard Office
Often, the yard foreman would have an office near the yard gate, for completing paperwork and answering the telephone (don't forget the telegraph poles [Ref 452]!). Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism (See the Pecoscene Weathering Powder range PS-360 - 365); glue is required to complete this model. Footprint: 46mm x 30mm.
Water Tower, GW Pillar
Water towers with cranes were generally used on platforms and in other areas with restricted space. This kit will build either a tower with a flat top or the familiar GWR conical type. Includes stove, water crane etc. as well as etched brass chain and ladder; glue and paints required to complete model. Use the Ratio Water Crane and Fire Devil Kit 413 if further cranes are required.
Coal Sacks
Kit includes 48 coal sacks. Initially coal was transported in 12 ton wagons to railway yards. Coal merchants then transferred it to heavy duty 1 cwt sacks for supply to customers. The kit also includes weights and scales; supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism (See the Pecoscene Weathering Powder range PS-360 - 365); glue is required to complete this model.
Coal/Timber Merchants
Many merchants had private sidings where they could be supplied directly by rail. This kit includes office, loading platform, coal scales, hoist and 2 lamps and can be constructed in a number of ways. The Ratio 514 Pallets, Sacks and Barrels, 526 Coal Sacks kits and Modelscene 5029 Coalmen and Scales can provide extra detailing. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 160mm x 105mm
Weighbridge and Hut
Many goods yards had weigh bridges so that the 'carriage price' of a load to be carried by rail could be costed. Goods were then loaded into the goods shed. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism (See the Pecoscene Weathering Powder range PS-360 - 365); glue is required to complete this model. Footprint; Weighing Deck 85mm x 50mm, hut 45mm x 35mm.
Engine Shed and Hut
Provide a home for your locos, giving them cover from the elements and a place for repairs and maintenance. It is normal to find a water tower and coaling stage nearby (see Ratio 540, 505, 506, 551 and Wills SS34 kits), and an Inspection Pit (Peco LK-56/156) was also often provided. Can be used as either a single or through shed. Multiple kits can be joined together if required. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 176mm x 90mm
Industrial Window Arches
Scratch and Kit builders accessory pack. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. This kit includes:
‚Ģ 8 Semi - Circular brick arches - Internal Diameter 30mm, External Diameter 37mm
‚Ģ 8 Semi - Circular brick arches - Internal Diameter 7mm, External Diameter 11mm
‚Ģ 2 Circular brick window surrounds - Internal Diameter 8mm, External Diameter 13mm
‚Ģ 2 Window/Door Arches - Length 48mm
Large Grounded Mess Van/Store
If you have a large goods yard on your layout, this would make a good mess coach for the staff. It could also be used as a dwelling or provide sleeping accomodation on a campsite. Includes clutter; glue and paints required to complete model. Footprint: 195mm x 45mm
Concrete Lineside Huts (2)
The Southern Railway produced pre-cast concrete huts after WW2 to replace wooden huts in many locations; these were used by platelayers to store tools and for shelter. Glue and paints required to complete model. Kit includes parts for 2 huts: Footprint: 50mm x 38mm each
Station Valancing and Notice Boards
Kit and scratch builders accessory, 724mm of station canopy valancing and 6 notice boards.
Platform Canopy
A useful cover for passengers awaiting their train. Several kits can be combined to protect a long platform, they can also be used side by side. Glue and paints required to complete model. Footprint: 270mm x 52mm
Pallets, Sacks and Barrels
30 sacks, 6 pallets and 4 barrels; useful for detailing around the Goods Shed (Ratio 534), Coal/Timber Merchants (Ratio 525), Provendor Store (Ratio 513) or station yard. Glue and paints required to complete model.
Provender Store
The Southern Railway used these concrete sheds for storage of goods and animal feed. The characteristic short concrete piles raise the floor above ground level to keep out the damp and rodents. Glue and paints required to complete model. Footprint: 90mm x 70mm
Pack of 2 which can also be used as cold frames. Approximately 32mm long and 22mm wide each. Glue and paints required to complete model.
Wooden Lineside Huts
2 huts for shelter and tool storage or with many other uses; platelayers huts, tool stores, lamp huts etc. - even garden/allotment sheds or temporary site huts. Glue and paints required to complete model. Footprint: 42mm x 32mm each
Industrial Fittings
Kit and scratch builders accessory, 100mm high chimney with cowl, hand wheels and chimney support wires.
Occupation Crossing
Single track crossing for a landowner whose property is on both sides of the railway line. Glue and paints required to complete model.
Grounded Van Body
Usually used for storage around the station or goods yard, they often can be found being used as sheds or on farmland. Clutter included; supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism; glue is required to complete this model. Footprint 176mm x 90mm