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202 Products Found
Flower Border and 2 Bushes
Two hydrangea bushes and a flower bed add instant colour.
Size approx (mm) L60 x W11 x H7
Bush 13mm dia. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Two Flower Borders
Flower beds for the sides of garden paths and house fronts.
Size approx (mm) L60 x W11 x H7. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Bee-Keeper and 4 Hives on a Scenic Base
Size approx (mm) L100 x W56. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Free Range Hen House
This beautifully detailed little model is of a timber-made hen house with a ramp to the front entrance and an egg laying box on the left hand side of the structure. Perfect for country settings and urban back gardens.
Size approx (mm) L30 x W32 x H26. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Farm Shop with Fruit and Veg Stall
Approximate sizes: Building 150mm long x 60mm deep x 50mm high. Stall 29mm x 14mm x 11mm.
This free standing unit, stone-built with red pantile roof, is based on an actual farm shop in East Lothian, Scotland. The whitewashed roughcast front wall has two partially glazed doors with protective doors opened back and three windows with wooden shutters hinged down. A notice board shows opening times. The rear wall has a door at one end and two small windows. A fruit and vegetable stall is supplied separately, draped with imitation grass and topped with four open wooden boxes displaying cauliflower, carrots, potatoes and apples. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Large Garden Shed
Could it house a model railway?
Size approx (mm) L48 x W33 x H34. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Small Garden Shed with Peak Roof
Ideal for storing the lawnmower and bicycle.
Size approx (mm) L36 x W26 x H31. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Small Garden Shed with Sloping Roof
A potting shed and tool store for gardeners.
Size approx (mm) L38 x W28 x H31. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Anderson Shelter, Wooden Ends
Mass produced corrugated iron shelter with wooden planked ends.
Size approx (mm) L35 x W30 x H28. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Anderson Shelter, Brick Ends
Formerly 2nd world war air-raid shelters erected in back gardens in many built up areas, these made ideal storage sheds in peacetime.
Size approx (mm) L35 x W30 x H28. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Two Corrugated Animal Shelters
Pack of 2. Just add a few pigs and mud for realism.
Approx size each L35 x W30 x H16mm. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Feed and Trough
Size approx (mm) L27 x W10 x H16
Trough (mm) L24. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Poultry Shed
Size approx (mm) L50 x W30 x H32
This beautifully detailed model is of a timber-made poultry house with 2 nest boxes on the left hand side of the structure, and a full size door plus an open access for free range hens in one end. Perfect for country settings and urban back gardens. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Beekeeper with Open Hive
Size approx (mm) L19 x W14 x H23. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Beehives, Classic
Pack of 2. Size each approx (mm) 4 Sq x H20. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Beehives, Standard
Pack of 2. Size each approx (mm) 4 Sq x H18. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Pigeon Loft
Perfect for the miniature pigeon fancier on your layout! Place one at the bottom of his garden or on that spare piece of railway ground.
Size each approx (mm) L45 x W30 x H30. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Red Diesel Farmyard Fuel Pump
Diesel used for agricultural purposes is taxed at a much lower rate than regular fuel. A dye is added to discourage fraudulent use, hence the name given to it - Red Diesel. Many farmyards have their own dedicated pump, usually an old decommissioned one from a roadside service station. This pump dates from the 1960s and sits on a raised base, ready to fuel the farmer's tractor.
Size approx (mm) L34 x W27 x H40. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Two Highland Cows
Cuddly hairy beasts associated with the Scottish highlands, but also favourites in city and rare breed farms.
Approx size each (mm) L25.
Five Blackface Sheep
These hardy blackface sheep in various profiles are perfect to complete a hillside scene.
Approx size each L15. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Dry Stone Contoured Wall, Extension
Use with CG 215 to increase the run of undulating 'up country' walling and build the scenery up to the base of the wall.
Approx total length - 248mm. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Dry Stone Contoured Wall, Straight
The ingenious answer to creating an undulating wall, simply fix to a level sub-base and build the scenery up to the stones. (These join to other sections CG200-7)
Size combined (mm) L245. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Covered Silage
Size approx (mm) L88 x W50 x H15. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.
Round Bales
Size approx (mm) L70 x W36 x H42. The Harburn Hamlet range of painted resin accessories provide interesting scenic details for your layout.