110 Products Found

00-9 „Purple Moose Brewery“ L&B Kastenwagen

Basierend auf dem Kastenwagen von Lynton & Barnstaple wird diese teilweise fiktive Lackierung bei Fans der Ffestiniog Railway und der breiteren OO-9-Community gut ankommen. Das Bier der Purple Moose Brewery befindet sich in Porthmadog, dem Zentrum des Universums für walisische Schmalspur-Enthusiasten. Es ist bei vielen Besuchern der Gegend beliebt und diente als Inspiration für diesen einzigartigen kleinen Wagen. Besuchen Sie doch ihre Website und erfahren Sie selbst mehr über die Ursprünge dieser lokalen Brauerei und die Geschichte hinter dem sehr ungewöhnlichen Namen! PURPLE MOOSE BRAUEREI

00-9 Kastenwagen Bass

Etwas anders: Diese exzellent gefertigten fahrbereiten Waggons sind fiktiv und basieren auf einigen unserer beliebtesten fahrbereiten Waggons der N-Spur-Reihe.

00-9 Box Van Colman's Senf

Etwas anders: Diese exzellent gefertigten fahrbereiten Waggons sind fiktiv und basieren auf einigen unserer beliebtesten fahrbereiten Waggons der N-Spur-Reihe.

00-9 Box Van Fyffes Bananen

Etwas anders: Diese exzellent gefertigten fahrbereiten Waggons sind fiktiv und basieren auf einigen unserer beliebtesten fahrbereiten Waggons der N-Spur-Reihe.


Diese semipermanenten Kurzkupplungen passen in die NEM-Aufnahmen aller unserer 009-Fahrzeuge. Sie können die herkömmlichen 009-Reifenkupplungen ersetzen, indem sie mit einer Spitzzange herausgezogen werden. Unsere Schieferwagen-Sets GR-320 und 321 sind bereits mit diesen Kurzkupplungen ausgestattet; Im Lieferumfang sind Ersatzkupplungen der Baureihe 009 enthalten, um das Ankuppeln an eine Lok usw. zu ermöglichen.

FR Short 'Bowsider' Bogie Coach - Early Preservation - Green 17

The four coaches in this group of vehicles were known as the 'Bowsiders' because of the shape of their sides, and were supplied by two builders in 1876 and 1879. Numbers 17 and 18 are the shorter coaches, delivered in 1876, and the two long coaches, numbers 19 and 20, arrived three years later in 1879. All four are in service on the Ffestiniog Railway today.
Our new models capture the subtle style of these coaches, with the 'bow' towards the bottom of the sides. The models feature very fine print detail too, including the Ffestiniog Railway company emblem. The livery is green with a cream trim around the upper half of the coach, and contrasting maroon end panels.
No. 17 wears this livery today. Fitted with metal-tyred wheels the coaches are lovely smooth runners.

FR Short 'Bowsider' Bogie Coach - Early Preservation - Green 18

The four coaches in this group of vehicles were known as the 'Bowsiders' because of the shape of their sides, and were supplied by two builders in 1876 and 1879. Numbers 17 and 18 are the shorter coaches, delivered in 1876, and the two long coaches, numbers 19 and 20, arrived three years later in 1879. All four are in service on the Ffestiniog Railway today.
Our new models capture the subtle style of these coaches, with the 'bow' towards the bottom of the sides. The models feature very fine print detail too, including the Ffestiniog Railway company emblem. The livery is green with a cream trim around the upper half of the coach, and contrasting maroon end panels.
No. 17 wears this livery today. Fitted with metal-tyred wheels the coaches are lovely smooth runners.

FR Short 'Bowsider' Bogie Coach - Early Preservation - Green 19

The four coaches in this group of vehicles were known as the 'Bowsiders' because of the shape of their sides, and were supplied by two builders in 1876 and 1879. Numbers 17 and 18 are the shorter coaches, delivered in 1876, and the two long coaches, numbers 19 and 20, arrived three years later in 1879. All four are in service on the Ffestiniog Railway today.
Our new models capture the subtle style of these coaches, with the 'bow' towards the bottom of the sides. The models feature very fine print detail too, including the Ffestiniog Railway company emblem. The livery is green with a cream trim around the upper half of the coach, and contrasting maroon end panels.
No. 17 wears this livery today. Fitted with metal-tyred wheels the coaches are lovely smooth runners.

FR Short 'Bowsider' Bogie Coach - Early Preservation - Green 20

The four coaches in this group of vehicles were known as the 'Bowsiders' because of the shape of their sides, and were supplied by two builders in 1876 and 1879. Numbers 17 and 18 are the shorter coaches, delivered in 1876, and the two long coaches, numbers 19 and 20, arrived three years later in 1879. All four are in service on the Ffestiniog Railway today.
Our new models capture the subtle style of these coaches, with the 'bow' towards the bottom of the sides. The models feature very fine print detail too, including the Ffestiniog Railway company emblem. The livery is green with a cream trim around the upper half of the coach, and contrasting maroon end panels.
No. 17 wears this livery today. Fitted with metal-tyred wheels the coaches are lovely smooth runners.

Hudson Rugga V-Skips (Green)

The familiar Rugga V-Skip 'tipping' wagon design was introduced in the 1930s - a development of the Robert Hudson company, based in Leeds. They could be supplied to the customer's specific requirements, with a skip size ranging from 13.5 to 54 cubic feet (0.38 to 1.53 cubic metres), and in most track gauges. The design allows the skip to tip in either direction, perfect for small industrial railways that needed to move and unload materials quickly and efficiently. The company even boasted that at any one time several thousand could be supplied from stock! These are supplied in an attractive display box of three.

Hudson Rugga V-Skips (Yellow)

The familiar Rugga V-Skip 'tipping' wagon design was introduced in the 1930s - a development of the Robert Hudson company, based in Leeds. They could be supplied to the customer's specific requirements, with a skip size ranging from 13.5 to 54 cubic feet (0.38 to 1.53 cubic metres), and in most track gauges. The design allows the skip to tip in either direction, perfect for small industrial railways that needed to move and unload materials quickly and efficiently. The company even boasted that at any one time several thousand could be supplied from stock! These are supplied in an attractive display box of three.

L&B 8-Tonnen-Bogie-Goods-Brake-Van OO-9

Die nächste neue Lackierung für den L&B Goods Brake Van ist dieses schlichte graue Modell ohne Beschriftung, das sich an den freiberuflichen Modellbauer richtet.

Das Entfernen aller Verweise auf die Lynton and Barnstaple Railway, aber das Weglassen nützlicher Details wie Leergewicht und Bauschild wird denjenigen OO-9-Modellbauern gefallen, die ihre eigene einzigartige und individuelle Eisenbahn im Miniaturformat erstellen möchten.




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