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260 Products Found
Traditionelle Holztore (komplett mit separaten Zugangstoren für Fußgänger), die beim Schließen über Bahngleisen einen doppelten Gleisabstand bieten.
Dieser eingleisige Übergang verfügt über eine der vielen verschiedenen Arten von Toren, die dort eingesetzt werden, wo Straßen die Eisenbahn auf der Ebene kreuzen mussten. Das Kit enthält 1 Paar Tore 95 mm x 17 mm, eine Fahrbahn aus Kunststoff-Kopfsteinpflaster und eine beplankte Bahnübergangsplatte. Vergessen Sie nicht den Bahnwärterkasten (SS29), das Stellwerk (SS48) oder das Cottage (SS39). Wird mit vorgefärbten Teilen geliefert, obwohl Lackierung und/oder Verwitterung für mehr Realismus sorgen können; Zur Fertigstellung dieses Modells ist Kleber erforderlich.
Ein Bausatz, der die Hebel darstellt, die zur Steuerung isolierter Industrie- und Landanschlüsse erforderlich sind. Enthält 2 Rahmen wie abgebildet. Vergessen Sie nicht die Spitzenstangen (SS89 und 90); Fangpunkte, Bodensignale/Signale und Ladeanzeigen, sofern erforderlich. Wird mit vorgefärbten Teilen geliefert, obwohl Lackierung und/oder Verwitterung für mehr Realismus sorgen können; Zur Fertigstellung dieses Modells ist Kleber erforderlich.
Lineside Barrels - Large (x2)
A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.
Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.
Lineside Barrels - Medium (x2)
A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.
Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.
Lineside Barrels - Small (x2)
A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.
Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.
Lineside Barrels On Side (x3)
A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.
Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.
Lineside Half Barrels (x3)
A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.
Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.
Lineside Hay Bales
A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.
Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.
Lineside-Hütte, Backstein
Bausatz einer typischen kleinen Hütte, die überall im Eisenbahnsystem zu sehen ist
Hütte am Streckenrand, aus Holz
Bausatz einer typischen kleinen Hütte, die überall im Eisenbahnsystem zu sehen ist
Lineside Oil Drums (x3)
A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.
Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.