40 Products Found

Lineside Hay Bales

A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.

Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.

Lineside Pile Of Tyres

A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.

Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.

Lineside Barrels - Small (x2)

A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.

Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.

Lineside Barrels - Medium (x2)

A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.

Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.

Lineside Barrels - Large (x2)

A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.

Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.

Lineside Barrels On Side (x3)

A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.

Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.

Lineside Half Barrels (x3)

A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.

Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.

Lineside Oil Drums (x3)

A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.

Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.

Innenraum des Stellwerks

Ein Bausatz mit alltäglichen Gegenständen, die in jedem Stellwerk zu finden sind, wie dem bequemen Ledersessel, dem Herd, Münzautomaten, dem Schreibtisch, einem Regal mit verschiedenen aufgereihten Regelbüchern, einem Telefon, einer Uhr und den wichtigsten Gegenständen, dem Wasserkocher und der Tasse Tee.

Stellwerk mit gemauertem Sockel

Bausatz eines typischen kleinen Kastens, der häufig auf einer Nebenstrecke oder zur Steuerung eines Hauptstreckenbahnhofs zu finden ist.

Telefonzelle der Polizei

Basierend auf einem in den 1920er-Jahren eingeführten Design von Telefonzellen enthielten sie im wirklichen Leben ein Telefon, das von der Öffentlichkeit im Notfall genutzt werden konnte, und Polizeibeamte konnten sie als Miniatur-Polizeistationen nutzen, mit Einrichtungen zum Verfassen von Berichten, zum Einlegen von Mittagspausen usw Verdächtige werden sogar vorübergehend festgehalten, bis Hilfe eintrifft!

Dies ist ein schöner und einfach zusammenzubauender Bausatz, der in der passenden dunkelblauen Farbe gehalten ist und mit Wasserschiebeaufklebern zur Vervollständigung der Details geliefert wird.


Bausatz eines nützlichen Allzweckkrans, der auch häufig an Kanalbecken usw. zu finden ist.




Ein einleitender Absatz mit Kriterien, die als Aufzählungspunkte aufgeführt sind, und schließt mit einem Aufruf zum Handeln ab.