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129 Products Found
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, S
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, LMS
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, BR
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, Colman's Mustard
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, Huntley & Palmer
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, Cadbury Bourneville
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
Lineside Oil Drums (x3)
A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.
Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.
Wagon Load Kit - Limestone
All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle. Especially useful in an N scale wagon!
The N scale kits contain enough material for up to 6 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.
Wagon Load Kit - Coke
All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle. Especially useful in an N scale wagon!
The N scale kits contain enough material for up to 6 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.
Wagon Load Kit - Iron Ore
All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle. Especially useful in an N scale wagon!
The N scale kits contain enough material for up to 6 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.
Wagon Load Kit - Granite
All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle. Especially useful in an N scale wagon!
The N scale kits contain enough material for up to 6 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.
Wagon Load Kit - Sand
All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle. Especially useful in an N scale wagon!
The N scale kits contain enough material for up to 6 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.
Wagon Load Kit OO/HO - Limestone
All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle.
The OO/HO scale kits contain enough material for up to 3 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.
Wagon Load Kit OO/HO - Coal
All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle.
The OO/HO scale kits contain enough material for up to 3 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.
Wagon Load Kit OO/HO - Coke
All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle.
The OO/HO scale kits contain enough material for up to 3 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.
Wagon Load Kit OO/HO - Iron Ore
All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle.
The OO/HO scale kits contain enough material for up to 3 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.
Wagon Load Kit OO/HO - Granite
All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle.
The OO/HO scale kits contain enough material for up to 3 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.
Wagon Load Kit OO/HO - Sand
All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle.
The OO/HO scale kits contain enough material for up to 3 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.
Wagon Load Kit - Coal
All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle. Especially useful in an N scale wagon!
The N scale kits contain enough material for up to 6 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.
OO Bullhead Medium Radius Turnout - Left Hand
The PECO Streamline OO Bullhead track range has shaped up to be a very comprehensive system comprising flexible track, bullhead joiners, buffer stop, large radius and medium radius turnouts , a crossing and two slips. There's enough there already for modellers to build a truly authentic steam to diesel transition period layout.
Bullhead OO Gauge RH Turnout – Großer Radius
Bullhead-Gleise werden seit frühester Zeit auf der Eisenbahn verwendet und sind auch heute noch deutlich sichtbar. Diese hervorragenden Weichen verleihen Ihrer Anlage ein authentisches Aussehen im Maßstab 00 und verfügen über Leitschienen aus Metall und vorbildgetreu bearbeitete Weichenzungen. Ein weiteres Merkmal dieser Weichen ist, dass beide Strecken unter Spannung stehen und sich somit ideal für den DCC-Betrieb eignen. Sie sind nach unserem neuen, vielseitigen Unifrog-Design konstruiert, das wie ein Elektrofrog bedient, mit Strom versorgt und geschaltet werden kann oder bei Bedarf auch ohne Stromversorgung gelassen werden kann.
Das Peco Streamline Code 75-Gleis erfüllt die Standards von Enthusiasten, die Züge lieber auf Schienen mit maßstabsgetreuer Höhe fahren lassen. Heutzutage sind die Räder der meisten Hersteller für den Einsatz auf Gleisen des Codes 75 geeignet, aber einige Vintage-Modelle haben möglicherweise zu tiefe Flansche, um die Schienenbefestigungen zu passieren. Code 75 kann mit dem Übergangsgleis SL-113 problemlos mit Code 100-Gleisen kombiniert werden.
3-Wege-Weiche, mittlerer Radius
Die 3-Wege-Weiche ist eine ideale Möglichkeit, bei Bahnhofseinfahrten, Kreuzungen usw. Platz zu sparen.
Wenn Sie auf Ihrer 00/H0-Anlage verschiedene Radstandards verwenden möchten, ist dies die richtige Gleisanlage. Die Code 100-Schiene ermöglicht Flanschtiefen von bis zu 1,6 mm, was bedeutet, dass sowohl Vintage- als auch aktuelle Lager problemlos zusammenpassen.
Das breite Sortiment an Weichen und Kreuzungen dieser Serie umfasst alle Arten von Weichen und Kreuzungen. Die Geometrie dieser Serie wurde geschickt entwickelt, um den Bau bequemer, komplexer und ästhetisch ansprechender Formationen durch Kombinationen von Weichen und Kreuzungen mit kleinem, mittlerem und großem Radius zu erleichtern. Vorschläge für Lagepläne finden Sie in unseren Veröffentlichungen „Gleispläne für Anlagen für alle Standorte“ (Ref. PM-202), „60 Pläne für kleine Eisenbahnen“ (Ref. Nr. PB-3) und „Gleispläne für verschiedene Standorte“ ( Ref. Nr. PB-66).
OO-9 Center Observation Coach Lynton und Barnstaple Livery Nr. 7
Diese fein detaillierten, fahrbereiten Waggons und Waggons sind genau dem rollenden Material der Lynton and Barnstaple Railway nachempfunden, sowohl als eigenständige Eisenbahn als auch nach deren Eingliederung in die Southern Railway im Jahr 1922. Sie sind für diese Modellbauer auch bemalt, aber unbeschriftet erhältlich die sie für den Einsatz auf anderen Linien anpassen möchten.
OO-9 Center Observation Coach Lynton und Barnstaple Livery Nr. 10
Diese fein detaillierten, fahrbereiten Waggons und Waggons sind genau dem rollenden Material der Lynton and Barnstaple Railway nachempfunden, sowohl als eigenständige Eisenbahn als auch nach deren Eingliederung in die Southern Railway im Jahr 1922. Sie sind für diese Modellbauer auch bemalt, aber unbeschriftet erhältlich die sie für den Einsatz auf anderen Linien anpassen möchten.