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ST1270 TT:120 C55 Setrack Short Straight (4)

Catalogue Product No. ST1270
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As with the PECO Streamline track system we use the unique double-foot Code 55 rail for robustness, and also for the finer appearance of the track. This means that both Setrack and Streamline can be connected together. We have started with just the one radius, no. 2, at 310mm/12.2in., and the length of the medium radius Streamline turnout (SLU1295 and SLU1296) is the same as one standard and one small straight section. That will allow a siding to be inserted into a loop of the Setrack using the Streamline turnout without upsetting the geometry. Modellers should use the PL82 Pecolectrics Power Feed Joiners to connect power to the track: the joiners at one end of two pieces of track can easily be pulled off to allow the Power Feed Joiners to connect up. All Setrack products are supplied in hanging packs containing either 4 or 8 pieces and sold to you in singles.
Technical Specifications:
Length TBC
Radius TBC
Frog angle TBC
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£19.50 RRP
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