176 Products Found

Coaling Tower

These towers are an impressive sight and were an essential feature on mainline railways. The Pecoscene ranges provide the perfect loading material, Real Coal (PS-330 -332), Limestone (PS-342 and 3), Sand (PS-344), Iron Ore (PS-340), Grey Stone (PS-300- 307), and Brown Stone (PS-310 - 317) for a quarry, mine or pit loading hopper. Supplied with pre-coloured parts although painting and/or weathering can add realism (See the Pecoscene Weathering Powder range PS-360 - 365); glue is required to complete this model. Footprint: 64mm x 50mm, Height 95mm

GWR-Bahnhofsgebäude aus Holz (Monkton Combe)

Monkton Combe, einst eine Zwischenstation der lange geschlossenen Camerton-Filiale in der Nähe von Bath, rückte 1952 ins Rampenlicht, als es als Drehort für die berühmte Ealing-Komödie „The Titfield Thunderbolt“ ausgewählt wurde.

GWR-Bahnhofsgebäude aus Holz (Monkton Combe)

Monkton Combe, einst eine Zwischenstation der lange geschlossenen Camerton-Filiale in der Nähe von Bath, rückte 1952 ins Rampenlicht, als es als Drehort für die berühmte Ealing-Komödie „The Titfield Thunderbolt“ ausgewählt wurde.

GWR-Bahnhofsgebäude aus Holz (Monkton Combe)

Monkton Combe, einst eine Zwischenstation der lange geschlossenen Camerton-Filiale in der Nähe von Bath, rückte 1952 ins Rampenlicht, als es als Drehort für die berühmte Ealing-Komödie „The Titfield Thunderbolt“ ausgewählt wurde.

GWR-Bahnhofsgebäude aus Holz (Monkton Combe)

Monkton Combe, einst eine Zwischenstation der lange geschlossenen Camerton-Filiale in der Nähe von Bath, rückte 1952 ins Rampenlicht, als es als Drehort für die berühmte Ealing-Komödie „The Titfield Thunderbolt“ ausgewählt wurde.

OO/HO Victorian Low Relief House Backs

The NEW Laser-Cut Victorian Houses

Alongside almost any railway there will be houses, and in model form it will be the low-relief buildings that will be of particular interest to modellers, especially as a feature along the backscene. We have been working hard to develop a new range of low-relief house fronts and backs, as well as the full building and we start off here with a typical semi-detached brick house typical of the Victorian period in Britain. You will be familiar with this style of house as they are still everywhere in the UK!

Our kits have been carefully designed for ease of assembly and feature some lovely detail. The texture of the laser-cut surface replicates the brick courses and slate tiles perfectly. Detailing around the windows and doors and the inclusion of guttering and downpipes is noteworthy, as are the curtains in the window and the provision of additional dormers (house backs kit) and bay windows (house front kit), plus the optional pavement around the base. The dormers, bay windows and pavement are included in the LK-208 full house kit too!

Several kits can be combined to create a terrace of houses, so commonly seen in locations around the country in relation to the railways. A row of house backs alongside the railway and against the backscene, a row of house fronts high on a hill above the station, or a street of semi-detached houses in a town scene, the possibilities are endless! The kits will need painting so the modeller can personalise each one, so necessary when you create a terrace of buildings. No two houses would ever be the same. Acrylic paints are best. We demonstrate this in our new PECO TV video.

OO/HO Victorian Low Relief House Complete

The NEW Laser-Cut Victorian Houses

Alongside almost any railway there will be houses, and in model form it will be the low-relief buildings that will be of particular interest to modellers, especially as a feature along the backscene. We have been working hard to develop a new range of low-relief house fronts and backs, as well as the full building and we start off here with a typical semi-detached brick house typical of the Victorian period in Britain. You will be familiar with this style of house as they are still everywhere in the UK!

Our kits have been carefully designed for ease of assembly and feature some lovely detail. The texture of the laser-cut surface replicates the brick courses and slate tiles perfectly. Detailing around the windows and doors and the inclusion of guttering and downpipes is noteworthy, as are the curtains in the window and the provision of additional dormers (house backs kit) and bay windows (house front kit), plus the optional pavement around the base. The dormers, bay windows and pavement are included in the LK-208 full house kit too!

Several kits can be combined to create a terrace of houses, so commonly seen in locations around the country in relation to the railways. A row of house backs alongside the railway and against the backscene, a row of house fronts high on a hill above the station, or a street of semi-detached houses in a town scene, the possibilities are endless! The kits will need painting so the modeller can personalise each one, so necessary when you create a terrace of buildings. No two houses would ever be the same. Acrylic paints are best. We demonstrate this in our new PECO TV video.

OO/HO Victorian Low Relief House Fronts

NEW Laser-Cut Wooden Victorian Houses

Alongside almost any railway there will be houses, and in model form it will be the low-relief buildings that will be of particular interest to modellers, especially as a feature along the backscene. We have been working hard to develop a new range of low-relief house fronts and backs, as well as the full building and we start off here with a typical semi-detached brick house typical of the Victorian period in Britain. You will be familiar with this style of house as they are still everywhere in the UK!

Our kits have been carefully designed for ease of assembly and feature some lovely detail. The texture of the laser-cut surface replicates the brick courses and slate tiles perfectly. Detailing around the windows and doors and the inclusion of guttering and downpipes is noteworthy, as are the curtains in the window and the provision of additional dormers (house backs kit) and bay windows (house front kit), plus the optional pavement around the base. The dormers, bay windows and pavement are included in the LK-208 full house kit too!

Several kits can be combined to create a terrace of houses, so commonly seen in locations around the country in relation to the railways. A row of house backs alongside the railway and against the backscene, a row of house fronts high on a hill above the station, or a street of semi-detached houses in a town scene, the possibilities are endless! The kits will need painting so the modeller can personalise each one, so necessary when you create a terrace of buildings. No two houses would ever be the same. Acrylic paints are best. We demonstrate this in our new PECO TV video.

WHL Platform Shelter

The NEW West Highland Line Platform Shelter Laser-Cut Kit

The NEW West Highland laser-cut wood kits, all based on buildings on the existing West Highland Line extension between Fort William and Mallaig in Scotland. In fact Arisaig station was the inspiration for these attractive models, a delightful station on a very scenic and popular route, famous for many reasons but likely to be moist memorable for its role in the Harry Potter films. It is a route that has become a firm favourite with modellers so these kits will certainly be welcomed by many and be the inspiration for a number of new layout builds for sure.

Built by the North British Railway, the West Highland Line travelled through a stunning part of the country and soon became popular with tourists as well as providing an essential link to the outside world from the sparsely populated Highland areas. The station buildings are particularly attractive and our kit of the station at Arisaig personifies that appealing design.

WHL Station Building

The NEW West Highland Line Station Building Laser-Cut Kit

The NEW West Highland laser-cut wood kits, all based on buildings on the existing West Highland Line extension between Fort William and Mallaig in Scotland. In fact Arisaig station was the inspiration for these attractive models, a delightful station on a very scenic and popular route, famous for many reasons but likely to be moist memorable for its role in the Harry Potter films. It is a route that has become a firm favourite with modellers so these kits will certainly be welcomed by many and be the inspiration for a number of new layout builds for sure.

WHL Platform Mounted Signal Box

The NEW West Highland Line Platform Mounted Signal Box Laser-Cut Kit

The NEW West Highland laser-cut wood kits, all based on buildings on the existing West Highland Line extension between Fort William and Mallaig in Scotland. In fact Arisaig station was the inspiration for these attractive models, a delightful station on a very scenic and popular route, famous for many reasons but likely to be moist memorable for its role in the Harry Potter films. It is a route that has become a firm favourite with modellers so these kits will certainly be welcomed by many and be the inspiration for a number of new layout builds for sure.


WHL Signal Box

The NEW West Highland Line Signal Box Laser-Cut Kit

The NEW West Highland laser-cut wood kits, all based on buildings on the existing West Highland Line extension between Fort William and Mallaig in Scotland. In fact Arisaig station was the inspiration for these attractive models, a delightful station on a very scenic and popular route, famous for many reasons but likely to be moist memorable for its role in the Harry Potter films. It is a route that has become a firm favourite with modellers so these kits will certainly be welcomed by many and be the inspiration for a number of new layout builds for sure.

WHL Rannoch Station

The NEW Rannoch Station Wooden Laser-Cut Kit

The style of Rannoch Station building, built in 1894, is typical of the type of structure found on the North British-built line from Glasgow to Fort William. Sitting on an island platform this is a long building, so consequently the model created from this kit is certainly impressive! By contrast the platform-mounted signal box is quite diminutive when compared with the station, but both structures possess the stylish "Swiss Cottage" style of construction and consequently are very attractive.

Despite its size we have designed the station kit to be as easy to construct as possible, with carefully designed parts that fit snuggly together and the assembly instructions are clear and informative. It would not surprise us if the signal box kit is adapted for other uses, such as a shelter, tea room, waiting room or greenhouse: it has many possibilities! The kits feature some incredible detail and texture, something that we have been working really hard to achieve - so much better than the basic appearance of so many other laser cut kits available on the market.


GWR-Bahnhofsgebäude aus Holz (Monkton Combe)

Monkton Combe, einst eine Zwischenstation der lange geschlossenen Camerton-Filiale in der Nähe von Bath, rückte 1952 ins Rampenlicht, als es als Drehort für die berühmte Ealing-Komödie „The Titfield Thunderbolt“ ausgewählt wurde.

Stellwerk der Highland Railway

Ein präzise lasergeschnittener Holzbausatz, ergänzt durch ein spritzgegossenes Dach. Für die Fertigstellung des Modells sind Kleber und Farben erforderlich.

Gartengebäude und Zubehör

Dieser Bausatz besteht hauptsächlich aus Kunststoffspritzgussteilen sowie einem lasergeschnittenen Holzgussrahmen, der den Rasenmäher und die Walze enthält. Das Set enthält: Gewächshaus, Wintergarten, Gartenschuppen, Gartensitz, Frühbeete, Regentonne, Schubkarre, Rasenmäher, Rasenwalze und 330 mm Lärchenholzzaun mit Tor.


Oftmals hatte der Hofvorarbeiter ein Büro in der Nähe des Hoftors, in dem er den Papierkram erledigen und Telefonanrufe entgegennehmen konnte (vergessen Sie nicht die Telegrafenmasten [Ref. 452]!). Wird mit vorgefärbten Teilen geliefert, obwohl Lackierung und/oder Bewitterung für mehr Realismus sorgen können (siehe Pecoscene Weathering Powder-Sortiment PS-360–365); Zur Fertigstellung dieses Modells ist Kleber erforderlich. Stellfläche: 46 mm x 30 mm.


Bausatz eines nützlichen Allzweckkrans, der auch häufig an Kanalbecken usw. zu finden ist.


Diese Kräne dienten zum Verladen von Gütern auf Waggons und befanden sich an Bahnsteigen in kleinen Bahnhöfen ohne Güterschuppen oder auf dem Hof ​​größerer Bahnhöfe. Das Kit enthält eine feine Kette für die Antriebsräder und eine Schnur für den Ausleger. Wird mit vorgefärbten Teilen geliefert, obwohl Lackierung und/oder Bewitterung für mehr Realismus sorgen können (siehe Pecoscene Weathering Powder-Sortiment PS-360–365); Zur Fertigstellung dieses Modells ist Kleber erforderlich.

Hölzernes Bahnhofsgebäude

Ein präzise lasergeschnittener Holzbausatz, ergänzt durch spritzgegossenes Dach, Fenster und Türen. Für die Fertigstellung des Modells sind Kleber und Farben erforderlich.

Hölzerne Hütten am Streckenrand

2 Hütten als Unterschlupf und Werkzeugaufbewahrung oder für viele andere Zwecke; Plattenlegerhütten, Werkzeuglager, Lampenhütten usw. – sogar Garten-/Kleingartenschuppen oder provisorische Bauhütten. Für die Fertigstellung des Modells sind Kleber und Farben erforderlich. Stellfläche: jeweils 42 mm x 32 mm

Fenster, Türen, Tore und Veranda

Zubehörpaket für Scratch- und Bausatzbauer. Wird mit vorgefärbten Teilen geliefert, obwohl Lackierung und/oder Verwitterung für mehr Realismus sorgen können; Zur Fertigstellung dieses Modells ist Kleber erforderlich. Dieses Kit enthält:
• 5 verschiedene Türen
• Satteldach und Stützen (um über eine Tür zu gehen)
• 2 inländische Tore
• 15 verschiedene Haushaltsfenster
• 7 verschiedene dekorative Fensterstürze

Fenster und Türen

Zubehörpaket für Scratch- und Kit-Builder. Wird mit vorgefärbten Teilen geliefert, obwohl Lackierung und/oder Verwitterung für mehr Realismus sorgen können; Zur Fertigstellung dieses Modells ist Kleber erforderlich. Dieses Kit enthält:
• 3 verschiedene Haustüren plus optionale verschiedene Türeinfassungen
• 12 verschiedene Fensterrahmen für den privaten Gebrauch sowie optional verschiedene Fenstereinfassungen


4er-Pack, 2 verschiedene Typen.




Ein einleitender Absatz mit Kriterien, die als Aufzählungspunkte aufgeführt sind, und schließt mit einem Aufruf zum Handeln ab.