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40 Products Found
OO-9 Kleine englische PECO/KATO-Lokomotive – „Prince“
Bewundern Sie die brandneue Ffestiniog Railway Small England 0-4-0ST+T-Lokomotive „Prince“, die gemeinsam von PECO und dem bekannten japanischen Modelleisenbahnhersteller Kato produziert wurde.
Ausgeführt als „Prinzessin“ Nr. 1 und „Prinz“ Nr. 2, beide in kastanienbrauner Lackierung mit historischem Ffestiniog-Eisenbahn-Design.
OO-9 Kleine englische PECO/KATO-Lokomotive – „Prince“
Bewundern Sie die brandneue Ffestiniog Railway Small England 0-4-0ST+T-Lokomotive „Prince“, die gemeinsam von PECO und dem bekannten japanischen Modelleisenbahnhersteller Kato produziert wurde.
Ausgeführt als „Prinzessin“ Nr. 1 und „Prinz“ Nr. 2, beide in kastanienbrauner Lackierung mit historischem Ffestiniog-Eisenbahn-Design.
OO-9 Kleine englische PECO/KATO-Lokomotive – „Prince“
Bewundern Sie die brandneue Ffestiniog Railway Small England 0-4-0ST+T-Lokomotive „Prince“, die gemeinsam von PECO und dem bekannten japanischen Modelleisenbahnhersteller Kato produziert wurde.
Ausgeführt als „Prinzessin“ Nr. 1 und „Prinz“ Nr. 2, beide in kastanienbrauner Lackierung mit historischem Ffestiniog-Eisenbahn-Design.
OO-9 Kleine englische PECO/KATO-Lokomotive – „Prinzessin“
Bewundern Sie die brandneue Ffestiniog Railway Small England 0-4-0ST+T-Lokomotive „Princess“, eine Gemeinschaftsproduktion von PECO und dem bekannten japanischen Modelleisenbahnhersteller Kato.
Ausgeführt als „Prinzessin“ Nr. 1 und „Prinz“ Nr. 2, beide in kastanienbrauner Lackierung mit historischem Ffestiniog-Eisenbahn-Design.
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, Newbattle
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, Phorpres Bricks
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, BR
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, Cadbury Bourneville
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, Colman's Mustard
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, GWR
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, Huntley & Palmer
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, J. W. Davison
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market