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Bierwagen Nr. 38622
Alle Eisenbahnunternehmen verfügten über einen eigenen Bestand an Fahrzeugen für den Transport von Gütern und Gütern innerhalb ihres Streckennetzes und bei Bedarf auch auf die Strecken anderer Unternehmen. Diese wurden bei der Verstaatlichung in die British Railways integriert; Einige von ihnen sollten im Zuge der Sektorisierung noch einmal neu gestaltet werden, da das Netzwerk darauf vorbereitet war, wieder in Privatbesitz überzugehen. Alle Peco-Wagen verfügen über freilaufende Räder mit Steckachsen. Die ELC-Kupplung ist zwar mit den Standard-N-Spur-Kupplungen kompatibel, sorgt jedoch für einen realistischen Abstand zwischen den Fahrzeugen und ermöglicht die Verwendung des elektromagnetischen Entkopplers PL-25 zum Fernabkuppeln.
N Gauge 'Christmas Jumper Dept' Vanfit
Ganzzüge mit Spezialladungen sind ein Merkmal der modernen Eisenbahn. Alle Peco-Wagen verfügen über freilaufende Räder mit Steckachsen. Die ELC-Kupplung ist zwar mit den standardmäßigen N-Spur-Kupplungen kompatibel, hält jedoch einen realistischen Abstand zwischen Fahrzeugen und ermöglicht die Verwendung des elektromagnetischen Entkopplers PL-25 zum Fernentkuppeln.
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, Newbattle
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, Phorpres Bricks
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, BR
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, Cadbury Bourneville
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, Colman's Mustard
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, GWR
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, Huntley & Palmer
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, J. W. Davison
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, LMS
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market
TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, NE
- Fine plastic moulding with thinner wagon body walls for accuracy.
- Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
- Separately-fitted brake lever.
- Brake shoes in line with the wheels
- Ultra-fine printing detail
- Free-running metal-tyred wheels
- Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market