1852 Products Found

BR Vanfit, Plywood Side

Ganzzüge mit Spezialladungen sind ein Merkmal der modernen Eisenbahn. Alle Peco-Wagen verfügen über freilaufende Räder mit Steckachsen. Die ELC-Kupplung ist zwar mit den standardmäßigen N-Spur-Kupplungen kompatibel, hält jedoch einen realistischen Abstand zwischen Fahrzeugen und ermöglicht die Verwendung des elektromagnetischen Entkopplers PL-25 zum Fernentkuppeln.

BR 16t Mineral Wagon, Coal 16VB, Fitted, Bauxite

Ganzzüge mit Spezialladungen sind ein Merkmal der modernen Eisenbahn. Alle Peco-Wagen verfügen über freilaufende Räder mit Steckachsen. Die ELC-Kupplung ist zwar mit den standardmäßigen N-Spur-Kupplungen kompatibel, hält jedoch einen realistischen Abstand zwischen Fahrzeugen und ermöglicht die Verwendung des elektromagnetischen Entkopplers PL-25 zum Fernentkuppeln.

Ex-BR Iron Ore Tippler, NCB

Ganzzüge mit Spezialladungen sind ein Merkmal der modernen Eisenbahn. Alle Peco-Wagen verfügen über freilaufende Räder mit Steckachsen. Die ELC-Kupplung ist zwar mit den standardmäßigen N-Spur-Kupplungen kompatibel, hält jedoch einen realistischen Abstand zwischen Fahrzeugen und ermöglicht die Verwendung des elektromagnetischen Entkopplers PL-25 zum Fernentkuppeln.

Ex-BR 16t Mineral Wagon, NCB

Ganzzüge mit Spezialladungen sind ein Merkmal der modernen Eisenbahn. Alle Peco-Wagen verfügen über freilaufende Räder mit Steckachsen. Die ELC-Kupplung ist zwar mit den standardmäßigen N-Spur-Kupplungen kompatibel, hält jedoch einen realistischen Abstand zwischen Fahrzeugen und ermöglicht die Verwendung des elektromagnetischen Entkopplers PL-25 zum Fernentkuppeln.

GWR-Bahnhofsgebäude aus Holz

NEUE Holzbausätze mit Laserschnitt

Nach der Veröffentlichung unserer viktorianischen Häuser sind wir mit diesen eher zweckmäßigen Hausbausätzen, die auf einem Design basieren, das erstmals in den 1960er Jahren erschien, ein Jahrhundert weitergegangen. Wir alle haben diese Häuser gesehen – sie sind überall in Großbritannien zu finden und bilden ein vertrautes Merkmal in praktisch jeder Stadt.

Es sind 3 Bausätze erhältlich: Flachrelief-Vorder- und Rückseiten und der vollständige Bausatz. Der Bausatz ist einfach und zufriedenstellend, die lasergeschnittenen Details sind äußerst fein und weisen wunderbare Ziegel- und Fliesenstrukturen auf der Oberfläche auf. Die Modelle verfügen außerdem über Dachrinnen und Fallrohre, eine separate Veranda an der Vorderseite und Jalousien in den Fenstern, die nach Wunsch positioniert werden können. Nach dem Bau können die Modelle nach den individuellen Wünschen des Modellbauers bemalt werden.

Man kann sich gut eine Reihe dieser Häuserrückseiten aus den 1960er Jahren entlang der Eisenbahnstrecke oder eine kleine Wohnsiedlung in der Nähe des Bahnhofs vorstellen – eine perfekte Szene auf dem Gleis, die mit verschiedenen anderen Zubehörteilen von PECO, Ratio, Wills und Harburn Hamlet aufgewertet werden kann.

GWR-Bahnhofsgebäude aus Holz

NEUE Holzbausätze mit Laserschnitt

Nach der Veröffentlichung unserer viktorianischen Häuser sind wir mit diesen eher zweckmäßigen Hausbausätzen, die auf einem Design basieren, das erstmals in den 1960er Jahren erschien, ein Jahrhundert weitergegangen. Wir alle haben diese Häuser gesehen – sie sind überall in Großbritannien zu finden und bilden ein vertrautes Merkmal in praktisch jeder Stadt.

Es sind 3 Bausätze erhältlich: Flachrelief-Vorder- und Rückseiten und der vollständige Bausatz. Der Bausatz ist einfach und zufriedenstellend, die lasergeschnittenen Details sind äußerst fein und weisen wunderbare Ziegel- und Fliesenstrukturen auf der Oberfläche auf. Die Modelle verfügen außerdem über Dachrinnen und Fallrohre, eine separate Veranda an der Vorderseite und Jalousien in den Fenstern, die nach Wunsch positioniert werden können. Nach dem Bau können die Modelle nach den individuellen Wünschen des Modellbauers bemalt werden.

Man kann sich gut eine Reihe dieser Häuserrückseiten aus den 1960er Jahren entlang der Eisenbahnstrecke oder eine kleine Wohnsiedlung in der Nähe des Bahnhofs vorstellen – eine perfekte Szene auf dem Gleis, die mit verschiedenen anderen Zubehörteilen von PECO, Ratio, Wills und Harburn Hamlet aufgewertet werden kann.

GWR-Bahnhofsgebäude aus Holz

NEUE Holzbausätze mit Laserschnitt

Nach der Veröffentlichung unserer viktorianischen Häuser sind wir mit diesen eher zweckmäßigen Hausbausätzen, die auf einem Design basieren, das erstmals in den 1960er Jahren erschien, ein Jahrhundert weitergegangen. Wir alle haben diese Häuser gesehen – sie sind überall in Großbritannien zu finden und bilden ein vertrautes Merkmal in praktisch jeder Stadt.

Es sind 3 Bausätze erhältlich: Flachrelief-Vorder- und Rückseiten und der vollständige Bausatz. Der Bausatz ist einfach und zufriedenstellend, die lasergeschnittenen Details sind äußerst fein und weisen wunderbare Ziegel- und Fliesenstrukturen auf der Oberfläche auf. Die Modelle verfügen außerdem über Dachrinnen und Fallrohre, eine separate Veranda an der Vorderseite und Jalousien in den Fenstern, die nach Wunsch positioniert werden können. Nach dem Bau können die Modelle nach den individuellen Wünschen des Modellbauers bemalt werden.

Man kann sich gut eine Reihe dieser Häuserrückseiten aus den 1960er Jahren entlang der Eisenbahnstrecke oder eine kleine Wohnsiedlung in der Nähe des Bahnhofs vorstellen – eine perfekte Szene auf dem Gleis, die mit verschiedenen anderen Zubehörteilen von PECO, Ratio, Wills und Harburn Hamlet aufgewertet werden kann.

GWR-Bahnhofsgebäude aus Holz (Monkton Combe)

Monkton Combe, einst eine Zwischenstation der lange geschlossenen Camerton-Filiale in der Nähe von Bath, rückte 1952 ins Rampenlicht, als es als Drehort für die berühmte Ealing-Komödie „The Titfield Thunderbolt“ ausgewählt wurde.

Lineside Hay Bales

A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.

Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.

Lineside Pile Of Tyres

A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.

Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.

Lineside Barrels - Small (x2)

A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.

Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.

Lineside Barrels - Medium (x2)

A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.

Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.

Lineside Barrels - Large (x2)

A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.

Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.

Lineside Barrels On Side (x3)

A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.

Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.

Lineside Half Barrels (x3)

A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.

Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.

BR 16t Mineral Wagon, Coal 16VB, Fitted, Bauxite

Ganzzüge mit Spezialladungen sind ein Merkmal der modernen Eisenbahn. Alle Peco-Wagen verfügen über freilaufende Räder mit Steckachsen. Die ELC-Kupplung ist zwar mit den standardmäßigen N-Spur-Kupplungen kompatibel, hält jedoch einen realistischen Abstand zwischen Fahrzeugen und ermöglicht die Verwendung des elektromagnetischen Entkopplers PL-25 zum Fernentkuppeln.

CDA - DB Cargo China Clay Hopper Wagon

Ganzzüge mit Spezialladungen sind ein Merkmal der modernen Eisenbahn. Alle Peco-Wagen verfügen über freilaufende Räder mit Steckachsen. Die ELC-Kupplung ist zwar mit den standardmäßigen N-Spur-Kupplungen kompatibel, hält jedoch einen realistischen Abstand zwischen Fahrzeugen und ermöglicht die Verwendung des elektromagnetischen Entkopplers PL-25 zum Fernentkuppeln.

Bierwagen Nr. 38622

Alle Eisenbahnunternehmen verfügten über einen eigenen Bestand an Fahrzeugen für den Transport von Gütern und Gütern innerhalb ihres Streckennetzes und bei Bedarf auch auf die Strecken anderer Unternehmen. Diese wurden bei der Verstaatlichung in die British Railways integriert; Einige von ihnen sollten im Zuge der Sektorisierung noch einmal neu gestaltet werden, da das Netzwerk darauf vorbereitet war, wieder in Privatbesitz überzugehen. Alle Peco-Wagen verfügen über freilaufende Räder mit Steckachsen. Die ELC-Kupplung ist zwar mit den Standard-N-Spur-Kupplungen kompatibel, sorgt jedoch für einen realistischen Abstand zwischen den Fahrzeugen und ermöglicht die Verwendung des elektromagnetischen Entkopplers PL-25 zum Fernabkuppeln.

Bierwagen Nr. 38622

Alle Eisenbahnunternehmen verfügten über einen eigenen Bestand an Fahrzeugen für den Transport von Gütern und Gütern innerhalb ihres Streckennetzes und bei Bedarf auch auf die Strecken anderer Unternehmen. Diese wurden bei der Verstaatlichung in die British Railways integriert; Einige von ihnen sollten im Zuge der Sektorisierung noch einmal neu gestaltet werden, da das Netzwerk darauf vorbereitet war, wieder in Privatbesitz überzugehen. Alle Peco-Wagen verfügen über freilaufende Räder mit Steckachsen. Die ELC-Kupplung ist zwar mit den Standard-N-Spur-Kupplungen kompatibel, sorgt jedoch für einen realistischen Abstand zwischen den Fahrzeugen und ermöglicht die Verwendung des elektromagnetischen Entkopplers PL-25 zum Fernabkuppeln.

7-Plank Open Wagon, Huntley & Palmers, No. 24

Another new arrival into stock is this attractive 7 plank open wagon - Huntley & Palmers, based in Reading, Berkshire, was a well-known biscuit manufacturer that used these wagons to bring coal into their factory. Famous brand names sell model wagons, so you should do well with this one.

Being new tooling you can expect a step up on detail: crisply moulded parts, thinner walls to the body, correct 9 foot wheelbase, detachable couplings and metal-tyred wheels for free running.

OO/HO Victorian Low Relief House Backs

The NEW Laser-Cut Victorian Houses

Alongside almost any railway there will be houses, and in model form it will be the low-relief buildings that will be of particular interest to modellers, especially as a feature along the backscene. We have been working hard to develop a new range of low-relief house fronts and backs, as well as the full building and we start off here with a typical semi-detached brick house typical of the Victorian period in Britain. You will be familiar with this style of house as they are still everywhere in the UK!

Our kits have been carefully designed for ease of assembly and feature some lovely detail. The texture of the laser-cut surface replicates the brick courses and slate tiles perfectly. Detailing around the windows and doors and the inclusion of guttering and downpipes is noteworthy, as are the curtains in the window and the provision of additional dormers (house backs kit) and bay windows (house front kit), plus the optional pavement around the base. The dormers, bay windows and pavement are included in the LK-208 full house kit too!

Several kits can be combined to create a terrace of houses, so commonly seen in locations around the country in relation to the railways. A row of house backs alongside the railway and against the backscene, a row of house fronts high on a hill above the station, or a street of semi-detached houses in a town scene, the possibilities are endless! The kits will need painting so the modeller can personalise each one, so necessary when you create a terrace of buildings. No two houses would ever be the same. Acrylic paints are best. We demonstrate this in our new PECO TV video.

OO/HO Victorian Low Relief House Complete

The NEW Laser-Cut Victorian Houses

Alongside almost any railway there will be houses, and in model form it will be the low-relief buildings that will be of particular interest to modellers, especially as a feature along the backscene. We have been working hard to develop a new range of low-relief house fronts and backs, as well as the full building and we start off here with a typical semi-detached brick house typical of the Victorian period in Britain. You will be familiar with this style of house as they are still everywhere in the UK!

Our kits have been carefully designed for ease of assembly and feature some lovely detail. The texture of the laser-cut surface replicates the brick courses and slate tiles perfectly. Detailing around the windows and doors and the inclusion of guttering and downpipes is noteworthy, as are the curtains in the window and the provision of additional dormers (house backs kit) and bay windows (house front kit), plus the optional pavement around the base. The dormers, bay windows and pavement are included in the LK-208 full house kit too!

Several kits can be combined to create a terrace of houses, so commonly seen in locations around the country in relation to the railways. A row of house backs alongside the railway and against the backscene, a row of house fronts high on a hill above the station, or a street of semi-detached houses in a town scene, the possibilities are endless! The kits will need painting so the modeller can personalise each one, so necessary when you create a terrace of buildings. No two houses would ever be the same. Acrylic paints are best. We demonstrate this in our new PECO TV video.

OO/HO Victorian Low Relief House Fronts

NEW Laser-Cut Wooden Victorian Houses

Alongside almost any railway there will be houses, and in model form it will be the low-relief buildings that will be of particular interest to modellers, especially as a feature along the backscene. We have been working hard to develop a new range of low-relief house fronts and backs, as well as the full building and we start off here with a typical semi-detached brick house typical of the Victorian period in Britain. You will be familiar with this style of house as they are still everywhere in the UK!

Our kits have been carefully designed for ease of assembly and feature some lovely detail. The texture of the laser-cut surface replicates the brick courses and slate tiles perfectly. Detailing around the windows and doors and the inclusion of guttering and downpipes is noteworthy, as are the curtains in the window and the provision of additional dormers (house backs kit) and bay windows (house front kit), plus the optional pavement around the base. The dormers, bay windows and pavement are included in the LK-208 full house kit too!

Several kits can be combined to create a terrace of houses, so commonly seen in locations around the country in relation to the railways. A row of house backs alongside the railway and against the backscene, a row of house fronts high on a hill above the station, or a street of semi-detached houses in a town scene, the possibilities are endless! The kits will need painting so the modeller can personalise each one, so necessary when you create a terrace of buildings. No two houses would ever be the same. Acrylic paints are best. We demonstrate this in our new PECO TV video.

BR 16 Ton Mineral (Coal) Wagon , Unfitted, Grey

The 16 Ton Mineral Wagon here is the basic unfitted coal wagon, so typical and common a sight on Britain's railways during the 1950s to 1980s. Now all gone with the demise of the coal industry. There would be rakes and rakes of these wagons trailing behind a locomotive throughout the UK, but most likely more so around the coalfields.

Produced from new tooling, fine moulded detail, sharp printing, free running metal-tyred wheels and removable couplers are the key features of our new models. But best of all, they represent excellent value for money when compared to the competition, and all made in the UK.

BR Iron Ore Tippler, Civil Engineers "Dutch"

Built in the 1950's these 35t GLW (Gross Laden Weight) wagons served the railways for many years transporting iron ore from British iron ore mines for steel production. As that traffic ended, so the wagons found plenty of other uses especially with the BR Civil Engineers department and many lasted into the 1980's as a result. This bauxite liveried example represents the wagon in its original brake-fitted condition, as opposed to the unbraked grey livery version, although to be fair it would never have been so clean! An ideal weathering project for the modeller! 

Produced from new tooling, fine moulded detail, sharp printing, free running metal-tyred wheels and removable couplers are the key features of our new models. But best of all, they represent excellent value for money when compared to the competition, and all made in the UK.

BR Iron Ore Tippler, Fitted, Bauxite

Built in the 1950's these 35t GLW (Gross Laden Weight) wagons served the railways for many years transporting iron ore from British iron ore mines for steel production. As that traffic ended, so the wagons found plenty of other uses especially with the BR Civil Engineers department and many lasted into the 1980's as a result. This bauxite liveried example represents the wagon in its original brake-fitted condition, as opposed to the unbraked grey livery version, although to be fair it would never have been so clean! An ideal weathering project for the modeller! 

Produced from new tooling, fine moulded detail, sharp printing, free running metal-tyred wheels and removable couplers are the key features of our new models. But best of all, they represent excellent value for money when compared to the competition, and all made in the UK.

BR Iron Ore Tippler, Unfitted Grey

Built in the 1950's these 35t GLW (Gross Laden Weight) wagons served the railways for many years transporting iron ore from British iron ore mines for steel production. As that traffic ended, so the wagons found plenty of other uses especially with the BR Civil Engineers department and many lasted into the 1980's as a result. This bauxite liveried example represents the wagon in its original brake-fitted condition, as opposed to the unbraked grey livery version, although to be fair it would never have been so clean! An ideal weathering project for the modeller! 

Produced from new tooling, fine moulded detail, sharp printing, free running metal-tyred wheels and removable couplers are the key features of our new models. But best of all, they represent excellent value for money when compared to the competition, and all made in the UK.

Lineside Oil Drums (x3)

A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.

Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.

Lineside Oil Drums On Side (x3)

A great new range of ready-painted lineside accessories. These models are cast in an acrylic polymer plaster mix - a perfect material with which to create some very convincing detail, and they are then painted and distressed for authenticity.

Designed and produced in Edinburgh for PECO by Jim Burns. The result is a very convincing and realistic looking model that will fit in most areas of a layout.

Wagon Load Kit OO/HO - Sand

All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle.

The OO/HO scale kits contain enough material for up to 3 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.

Wagon Load Kit OO/HO - Granite

All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle.

The OO/HO scale kits contain enough material for up to 3 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.

Wagon Load Kit OO/HO - Iron Ore

All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle.

The OO/HO scale kits contain enough material for up to 3 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.

Wagon Load Kit OO/HO - Coke

All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle.

The OO/HO scale kits contain enough material for up to 3 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.

Wagon Load Kit OO/HO - Coal

All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle.

The OO/HO scale kits contain enough material for up to 3 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.

Wagon Load Kit OO/HO - Limestone

All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle.

The OO/HO scale kits contain enough material for up to 3 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.

Wagon Load Kit - Sand

All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle. Especially useful in an N scale wagon!

The N scale kits contain enough material for up to 6 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.

Wagon Load Kit - Granite

All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle. Especially useful in an N scale wagon!

The N scale kits contain enough material for up to 6 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.

Wagon Load Kit - Iron Ore

All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle. Especially useful in an N scale wagon!

The N scale kits contain enough material for up to 6 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.

Wagon Load Kit - Coke

All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle. Especially useful in an N scale wagon!

The N scale kits contain enough material for up to 6 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.

Wagon Load Kit - Coal

All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle. Especially useful in an N scale wagon!

The N scale kits contain enough material for up to 6 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.

Wagon Load Kit - Limestone

All kits comprise a bag of load material, such as coal or sand, plus sections of board that are cut to size to fit the desired wagon. The modeller, using a PVA adhesive, secures the materials on the cut boards and places the load inside the wagon for instant effect. The additional benefit, apart from the realism, is that some valuable weight is added to what might otherwise be a very light vehicle. Especially useful in an N scale wagon!

The N scale kits contain enough material for up to 6 wagons. Full instructions are provided in the packs.

WHL Platform Shelter

The NEW West Highland Line Platform Shelter Laser-Cut Kit

The NEW West Highland laser-cut wood kits, all based on buildings on the existing West Highland Line extension between Fort William and Mallaig in Scotland. In fact Arisaig station was the inspiration for these attractive models, a delightful station on a very scenic and popular route, famous for many reasons but likely to be moist memorable for its role in the Harry Potter films. It is a route that has become a firm favourite with modellers so these kits will certainly be welcomed by many and be the inspiration for a number of new layout builds for sure.

Built by the North British Railway, the West Highland Line travelled through a stunning part of the country and soon became popular with tourists as well as providing an essential link to the outside world from the sparsely populated Highland areas. The station buildings are particularly attractive and our kit of the station at Arisaig personifies that appealing design.

WHL Station Building

The NEW West Highland Line Station Building Laser-Cut Kit

The NEW West Highland laser-cut wood kits, all based on buildings on the existing West Highland Line extension between Fort William and Mallaig in Scotland. In fact Arisaig station was the inspiration for these attractive models, a delightful station on a very scenic and popular route, famous for many reasons but likely to be moist memorable for its role in the Harry Potter films. It is a route that has become a firm favourite with modellers so these kits will certainly be welcomed by many and be the inspiration for a number of new layout builds for sure.

WHL Platform Mounted Signal Box

The NEW West Highland Line Platform Mounted Signal Box Laser-Cut Kit

The NEW West Highland laser-cut wood kits, all based on buildings on the existing West Highland Line extension between Fort William and Mallaig in Scotland. In fact Arisaig station was the inspiration for these attractive models, a delightful station on a very scenic and popular route, famous for many reasons but likely to be moist memorable for its role in the Harry Potter films. It is a route that has become a firm favourite with modellers so these kits will certainly be welcomed by many and be the inspiration for a number of new layout builds for sure.


WHL Signal Box

The NEW West Highland Line Signal Box Laser-Cut Kit

The NEW West Highland laser-cut wood kits, all based on buildings on the existing West Highland Line extension between Fort William and Mallaig in Scotland. In fact Arisaig station was the inspiration for these attractive models, a delightful station on a very scenic and popular route, famous for many reasons but likely to be moist memorable for its role in the Harry Potter films. It is a route that has become a firm favourite with modellers so these kits will certainly be welcomed by many and be the inspiration for a number of new layout builds for sure.

WHL Rannoch Station

The NEW Rannoch Station Wooden Laser-Cut Kit

The style of Rannoch Station building, built in 1894, is typical of the type of structure found on the North British-built line from Glasgow to Fort William. Sitting on an island platform this is a long building, so consequently the model created from this kit is certainly impressive! By contrast the platform-mounted signal box is quite diminutive when compared with the station, but both structures possess the stylish "Swiss Cottage" style of construction and consequently are very attractive.

Despite its size we have designed the station kit to be as easy to construct as possible, with carefully designed parts that fit snuggly together and the assembly instructions are clear and informative. It would not surprise us if the signal box kit is adapted for other uses, such as a shelter, tea room, waiting room or greenhouse: it has many possibilities! The kits feature some incredible detail and texture, something that we have been working really hard to achieve - so much better than the basic appearance of so many other laser cut kits available on the market.


TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, Cadbury Bourneville

The first items of ready-to-run rolling stock in TT:120 scale from PECO are now available, representing a mixture of the post-grouping companies, British Railways and the first three private owner liveries.
TT:120 is the first British "true-to-scale" scale - 1/120 scale models running on 1/120 scale/gauge track. 
These new 7-plank wagons feature the highest standard of manufacturing you would expect from PECO:
  • Fine plastic moulding with thinner¬†wagon body walls for accuracy.
  • Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
  • Separately-fitted brake lever.
  • Brake shoes¬†in line with the¬†wheels
  • Ultra-fine printing detail
  • Free-running metal-tyred wheels
  • Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market

TT:120 7-Plank Open Wagon, Huntley & Palmer

The first items of ready-to-run rolling stock in TT:120 scale from PECO are now available, representing a mixture of the post-grouping companies, British Railways and the first three private owner liveries.
TT:120 is the first British "true-to-scale" scale - 1/120 scale models running on 1/120 scale/gauge track. 
These new 7-plank wagons feature the highest standard of manufacturing you would expect from PECO:
  • Fine plastic moulding with thinner¬†wagon body walls for accuracy.
  • Interior detail as well as a high-level of exterior detail
  • Separately-fitted brake lever.
  • Brake shoes¬†in line with the¬†wheels
  • Ultra-fine printing detail
  • Free-running metal-tyred wheels
  • Standard (removable) TT:120 coupler compatible with other TT:120 rolling stock on the market



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